0 9 - Butterbeer

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Hermione flopped onto the couch, mentally overwhelmed by the events of the previous day. After the coffee shop ordeal, she had gone home to help Ginny and Harry move Ginny's things out of the apartment. With Ginny gone, it was a bit too quiet for Hermione's liking. She had always been content to be by herself, but lately, she had been on edge with the thought of Goyle running around poisoning non-Purebloods left and right.                                                                        

What if he came after her? Malfoy was right; it was dangerous for her to live alone. Hermione knew that she was more than capable of defending herself in the event of an attack, but there was the most minuscule seed of doubt that had been planted in her mind. Ginny was quite adept at defensive magic as well, and together they would have little trouble taking down an unwanted visitor or two.

She huffed out a sigh of defeat. Hermione knew she would be fine, she just missed Ginny. Having her friend around was always a comfort even when she was leaving piles of clothes around the apartment or forgetting to make dinner on her assigned day. Ginny would always listen to Hermione's frustrated rants about what had annoyed her that day; unfortunately for her, what bothered Hermione the most was one specific problem. Namely, Draco Malfoy. Although he had become tolerable as the days went by, her opinion of him had gone down after his almost childlike reaction to seeing her with Ron. Maybe he was—

"Ow!" Hermione shrieked, jumping up as an owl pecked every accessible part of her body to get her attention. After taking the piece of parchment it was carrying, she managed to get the bird to leave her alone long enough to get a proper glimpse of it. A tawny owl with white markings around the eyes, colors Hermione was very familiar with. The bothersome thing was Ginny's. Hermione moved to the dining table to read the note, hastily unfolding the crumpled parchment.

Hermione, I know you're sulking right now.

"I am not!" Hermione protested aloud as she read the first line.

I also know you just denied that. I'm coming over.


P.S. Sorry about my owl, she's mad because I was five minutes late feeding her breakfast this morning. FIVE. That damn bird eats better than I do sometimes.

Hermione glanced up at Ginny's owl, who was currently zooming around the apartment at an alarming speed. As if it sensed her judgemental gaze, the owl landed on the table and clacked its beak in annoyance.

"Bloody bird," she laughed as the flames of the fireplace roared green and Ginny appeared. Hermione raced towards her friend and drowned her in a hug.

"Honestly, Hermione," Ginny smiled. "It's like I've been gone for a year, not a day,"

"A day can be a very long time," Hermione said defensively, desperately trying to keep an annoyed frown on her face. It wasn't working; a persistent grin kept working its way across her face.

"Whatever you say," Ginny smirked knowingly at her, then offered Hermione her hand. "Come on. I think you need some retail therapy, and I'll be needing some too after you tell me about what happened yesterday,"

"All right, fine," Hermione grumbled as she clasped Ginny's fingers and they swiftly Disapparated.

Hermione blinked, glancing around at her familiar surroundings. They were in Hogsmeade, which was packed with witches and wizards doing their holiday shopping. Ginny pulled her through the crowd, both girls laughing as they stumbled into a fancy clothing shop that had recently opened. The owner, an older woman who carried an air of haughty grace and grandeur eyed them distastefully. She clearly didn't appreciate the noise Hermione and Ginny had brought to her store but only cast them another disdainful glance before continuing to drift about the store assisting customers.

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