0 8 - Jealous

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But when you walked out that door

A piece of me died

-Blue Jeans, Lana Del Rey

Draco effortlessly climbed out of bed, grabbing his wand from the bedside table and flicking it to open the curtains, allowing the golden sunlight to stream into his bedroom. He took his time getting ready, a luxury he didn't have when he had to go to the Ministry during the week.

After taking a shower, Draco pulled on a black knit sweater and Muggle jeans, a pleasant break from the formal suits and robes he wore at the office. As he slid various rings onto his fingers, a knock sounded at his door. He briskly walked over and opened it to reveal Rosie, the Manor's House-elf.

"Mistress Narcissa is wondering if Master Draco will be joining her for breakfast?" the tiny elf squeaked, clasping her hands behind her back.

"Let her know that I'm going out this morning, Rosie," Draco said gently. He had a soft spot for her and always made sure to treat her well. Rosie had been with the Malfoys ever since Lucius was put in Azkaban, and she had helped Narcissa recover from her grief and made sure that they always had a hot meal to eat.

"Of course, Master Draco," Rosie replied, bowing low before scurrying down the stairs to relay the message to Narcissa. He chuckled to himself, imagining Hermione's shock at the fact that he talked to a House-elf with any respect. After all, it wasn't as if Dobby had the best life with Lucius as a master. Draco had been so preoccupied with the fact that the Dark Lord was practically living at Malfoy Manor to pay attention to the way Dobby was treated. When he had spoken to the House-elf at all during his time at Hogwarts, Lucius had given him a lecture about not addressing creatures that were "inferior."

Draco inadvertently shook his head to clear away his thoughts, then Apparated with a crack. He reappeared in front of Clearwater's Coffee, shivering slightly. Snowflakes drifted lazily through the air, landing on the ground to create a pristine coating of sparkling white snow. Draco brushed away the flakes that had landed on his face and pushed open the shop's door. A blast of hot air greeted him and Draco eagerly stepped into its embrace as he hurried inside, letting the door close softly behind him.

Penelope Clearwater was adjusting the holiday wreaths around the cozy shop, but she turned around at the sound of the bells on the door jingling to announce Draco's arrival. She hurried back to the counter and gave him a welcoming smile as he approached her.

"What can I get for you today?" Penelope asked, waiting expectantly for his order. There was a slight grin on her face; she had clearly recognized him from last Saturday when he had asked for Hermione's usual order.

"A latte with extra foam, please," Draco asked. "And which breakfast sandwich do you recommend?"

"The bagel with egg and cheese is my personal favorite," she replied, pointing to it in the display case.

"I'll go with that, then," he said, watching as Penelope slid a bagel into a bag and handed it to him. They were both struggling to maintain a neutral atmosphere although Draco was struggling not to snort at Penelope's discomfort and Penelope was desperately trying to stay professional. It was obvious that Hermione's friend had made the connection that he was ordering Hermione's go-to drink, and was intrigued by the drama of it all while still attempting to remain calm.

"That'll be three Sickles," she told him in a friendly tone. "Your coffee will be ready soon, I'll bring it over as soon as it's done."

"Thank you," Draco said politely as he reached into his pocket and slid three silver coins across the counter, holding the paper bag with his breakfast sandwich in his other hand. He strolled leisurely towards Hermione's usual table tucked into the corner of the shop and settled down into a chair.

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