1 5 - Please Me

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One week earlier

Sunday, December 17, 2000

Diagon Alley

Draco stepped into the warm air of the jewelry shop, hair tousled from the unforgiving hands of wind. An older wizard bustled around behind the counter, adjusting the main display.

"Welcome, welcome!" the shopkeeper said warmly. "Please let me know if I can be of any assistance,"

Draco gave him a tight smile in return, then began to stroll through the store at a leisurely pace, sharp grey eyes scanning the many shelves.

He had asked Narcissa where she purchased most of her countless bracelets and necklaces, rings, and priceless brooches. After vehemently denying that he wasn't buying anything for Hermione and merely wanted to purchase some far-off aunt a Christmas gift, Narcissa had relayed the name of the shop Draco was in now.

The glint of bloodred rubies in the fading sunlight caught his attention immediately. Draco drifted closer, inwardly analyzing each piece. He wanted a piece of jewelry that had a meaning she would understand, something shared between them that would bring a smile to her face and a flush to her cheeks.

"Are you looking for anything in particular, sir?"

"Bloody hell," Draco cursed, whirling around to face the shopkeeper, who had somehow managed to sneak up on him while he was lost in thought.

"I apologize for disturbing you," he replied, moving to retreat to the counter. "But please, don't hesitate to ask me if you require anything specific,"

Before Draco could stop himself, the word spilled out of his mouth, clumsy and unbidden.

"Wait," he said softly.

"Yes?" The shopkeeper turned, meeting Draco's desperate gaze.

"There is something I'm looking for," he began.

"Go on," The older wizard spoke encouragingly.

"A bracelet," Draco spoke slowly, thoughtfully. "With a butterfly made of rubies,"

"Wait here," he replied, leaving Draco alone with the mental image of a beautiful chain encircling her wrist, red gems winking teasingly up at him.

The laughter of a woman drifted through the air and he glanced out into the street, where a couple walked hand in hand. As Draco watched, the man reached out and grabbed her by the waist, spinning her in the air, only stopping when she tilted her head and their lips met. A sharp pain began to throb in Draco's gut, and only when he turned away did it fade into brutal numbness.

"Here," The shopkeeper said, offering Draco a small box and snapping him out of his reverie. He must have just returned from the back room in search of a piece that would fit his customer's description. "I did a bit of Transfiguration and I think that you will be pleased with the result," he explained.

Draco took the box and flipped the lid open, hands clammy.

"It's perfect," he breathed.

"Come, I'll wrap it up for you," the shopkeeper smiled comfortingly and beckoned Draco towards the counter. He followed as if in a trance, silently and without complaint. "Is this for anyone special?"

"Yes," Draco said clearly. "Someone very special."

✧ ✧ ✧

Sunday, December 24, 2000

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