1 9 - Give Me Everything

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This chapter contains more explicit content, I'll put a note in bold before and after so you can skip it if you want to.

Friday, December 29th, 2000

Draco was kissing her, and he needed to stop.

"We're going to be late!" Hermione protested weakly, twisting out of his grip.

"Fine," Draco groused. "Are you sure that Kingsley would notice if we were missing?"

"Of course he'd notice, you prat," Hermione replied in the know-it-all tone she had perfected over the years. "We're only working on the most important case in the department."

In preparation for the end of the fourth quarter and the start of the new year, Kingsley had called a meeting for the Department of Magical Law Enforcement to review where they were in terms of progress on their respective assignments. It was guaranteed to be boring, the exact events Draco dreaded. It was only thanks to years of enduring dull galas with other stuffy Pureblood families that he could withstand Ministry meetings.

The pair rushed down the hallway, Hermione attempting to school her expression into something professional as Draco flattened his hair—it turned out that Hermione enjoyed wrapping her fingers in it while he kissed her senseless. They both nearly crashed into Kingsley's secretary, the same old woman who had come into their office on Tuesday upon hearing Hermione's screams from when Draco had tickled her. The woman accepted their profuse apologies with a knowing smile on her face, then waved them into a conference room where Kingsley and a few others were conversing pleasantly.

"Good, we're on time," Hermione sighed with relief as she noted the sprinkling of empty seats that still remained.

"Welcome, Miss Granger, Malfoy," Kingsley said politely. "How are you faring?"

"We're doing very well," Draco replied smoothly, turning to smirk at Hermione. She nodded in agreement while desperately praying that she wasn't blushing at his casual use of we.

"All right, everyone sit down," Kingsley called out. The other witches and wizards began to quiet down as the two walked to the two remaining seats. Draco pulled out a chair for Hermione and waited for her to sit down before slipping into the seat next to her. A smile flitted its way across her face at Draco's gracious gesture as the chatter in the room completely faded into respectful silence. "As you all know, everyone from the Department of Magical Law Enforcement is here to give a concise report of their assignments and progress. We'll start with Talpin."

Henry Talpin was a middle-aged wizard who was quite accomplished in the field of magical law enforcement. Hermione admired his problem-solving abilities and the fact that he had always put aside time to help her if she had a question on something that was outside her range of knowledge. He rose from his seat, standing ramrod straight as he began his brief summary of the project he was currently working on. "I have nearly decoded the letters that were sent to me last week. The hexes used to protect it from being decoded were rather nasty but I was able to successfully disarm them with the help of a few spells suggested by Mathilda," he explained. Mathilda, a witch who was known for her prowess at defense charms, nodded at his acknowledgment of the support she had provided.

"Very good," Kingsley said approvingly. "Thank you for the report. Next, I'd like to hear from Lansford."

The rest of the meeting dragged on like an old Cleansweep 5 until it was time for Hermione and Draco to speak. After Kingsley prompted them to begin, the pair stood and started their report.

"Dr— Malfoy and I have made extremely positive headway on tracking the suspect," Hermione began. Kingsley had explicitly instructed them to not reveal that Goyle was the target of their investigation in order to maintain confidentiality. She understood, of course—letting it slip that a former Hogwarts student and one who had such intimate knowledge of the Wizarding world would undoubtedly cause panic.

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