Chapter 44

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Aasia's POV 


The loud noise echoed around my room and I got up with a shock. 

I frowned as my eyes adjusted to the light. I was in a hospital room once again. Hassan was standing by the window, his back towards me. 

I coughed as I tried to sit up. My throat was on fire and my body ached from lying down for too long. 

Hassan turned around abruptly. His bloodshot eyes, with dark bags underneath them, meeting mine. 

We stared at each other, his eyes holding an emotion I couldn't quite understand, making me feel uncomfortable. I turned away, trying to find some water to relieve my throat. 

Just as I was about to reach a bottle beside me, Hassan picked it up, opening it before placing the straw at my lips. 

"How are you feeling? " He asked, his voice rough but his tone gentle. 

"I'm okay..." My voice came out in a croak, "What happened, why am I here?" 

I looked up at him, but he turned away, placing the bottle down. "You...Had a bad reaction to the coffee...Probably off milk or something, don't worry about it, you're okay now." 

I nodded, even though i didn't quite believe him. 

"So...can we go home ?" 

His grey eyes met mine and he raised a hand as if to touch my cheek, but it stopped mid air. He frowned before dropping his hand. 

"I'll go call a nurse" 

And with that he left the room, but not before pausing at the door

"Aasia... I'm sorry" 


Hassan's POV 

I rushed out of Aasia's room, nodding to the body guard outside the door.

I hated lying to her, but it was for her own protection. 

The truth was that she had been poisoned, so I guess that much was true, it was something in her coffee. 

Shukr the dose wasn't lethal and I managed to rush her to hospital in time. Or else...I didn't even want to think about it. 

 This poison was used as a distraction. A build up to the climax. 

It was used to scare me, to scare Aasia. And no matter how fearful I was, there was no way I was going to let them make her feel that way too. And that is why I had to lie. 

I stopped at my car wanting to bring it to the front of the hospital. From now on, Aasia's safety was my main priority. I didn't even trust the walk from the hospital to the parking space. 

I was about to jump in, and that's when I saw it...

A simple box wrapped in red paper with a giant blue bow at the top. 

It was lying on the floor on the passenger's seat...

How on Earth did it get into my car?! 


Revenge POV 

I watched with a sinister smile on my face as Hassan eyed the box suspiciously, a look of disbelief on his face. 

He looked around him angrily, his eyes wide and angry, scanning the cars desperately trying to find me. 

He slowly picked up the box and shook it, before ripping the paper. 

I watched as his expression turned into complete an utter rage at the note written to the top.

'Oh how bitter the fruits of revenge are, Some would even say as bitter as coffee' 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2020 ⏰

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