Chapter 14

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Dedicated to: @Infinite_Love003

Aasia's POV 

The days have been passing by so quickly I barely had any time to just sit! Who knew planning a wedding would be this bad. 

First it was dressmaker issues, as usual.

Then we couldn't decide the menu... I mean how is one supposed to pick something when they love anything edible, and Hassan wasn't any help at all. In fact I actually barely saw him these last few weeks, and when I did he always seemed angry and barely spoke to anyone besides Hamza. 

Mrs Malik actually co-operated pretty well, and Mr Malik seemed uninterested in the actual planning and he and Mammajee chose to stay at least 5 miles away from their temperamental wives. 

After weeks of planning the day had finally arrived...

And I was so nervous I hardly slept at all... Which turned out to be the worst thing I could have ever done, because I awoke looking worst than something from a horror movie. 

I sat in bed staring at the ceiling, this may be the last time I may sleep alone in my own bed.  The last time I stare at these familiar walls, the last time I call this familiar haven home. So many lasts it actually scared me. 

I slowly open my draw and take out the CD Aunt Sadia gave me yesterday, this may be the fifth time I'm watching it, but it help calm me down.

I slowly place the disc in my laptop and wait, grabbing my pillow and holding it tightly to my chest, while it loads. 

After a few seconds, my mom's face pops up on the screen, and I feel my heart clench painfully as tears threaten to escape my once tired eyes. 

"Hey baby... My sweet little girl, " she smiles and I couldn't  help the tear that rolled down my cheek,    " If you're watching this it means, that Your Big Day is here, and you probably feel scared out of your mind. But don't worry, don't stress, thing will work out just fine, Insha-Allah, they always do. Stressing only causes unwanted wrinkles in your old age," she says, pointing to an invisible line on her forehead,.

"You wouldn't want one of these showing up a decade earlier, now would you." She laughs to herself, and the sound is so melodious, it makes me smile. She pauses for a while, and a single tear rolls down her cheek, "I wish...I wish I was there to see you... To see how beautiful you look, to see you smile and laugh, to see that very lucky man, to remind him how lucky he is. I wish I was there, hugging you goodbye while ruining your dress with my tears." Her voice crack at the end, and suddenly the video stops, only to start again, only this time my mom's eyes and nose is red, due to her tears. 

She smiles again, trying to fight her tears, "I'm so sorry baby girl, you shouldn't have seen me like that.... " she pauses a pained expression covering her face, one that makes my once strong heart break, "I love you, always and forever. No matter what happens I always will, never blame yourself for what happenes to me. Who knows things might just take a turn and I may even be sitting there next to you right now." She smiles at the idea, and a small streak of hope fills her eyes.

"I love you, my little girl, And even though you may not see me I'll always be there, always near you, in your heart is all I hope to be in. " she rubs a hand over her round belly lovingly, "Well I guess this is goodbye, until later," she winks, "I hope to still make a few more especially for when my grandchildren are near." She smiles, and suddenly the screen goes blank. 

I wipe my tear stained cheeks, and smile, "Don't worry mom, grandchildren are far far away," I say softly...

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