Chapter 40

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Aasia's POV

My eyes fluttered open, and my gaze fell on my sleeping husband. 

He looked so peaceful, unlike these past few days, where worry marked its way across his forehead. 

Whatever was concerning him, he refused to say, and gave me a forced smile every time I brought it up, with a flick of his hand, and a "Every thing is okay my love... Don't you worry." 

But everything was not okay.

The bodyguards stationed outside my bedroom door, who followed me everywhere watching my every move, were an indication of this. 

And with my shooter still on the loose, I could maybe understand Hassan's overprotectiveness. 

I slowly sat up, trying to ignore the pain in my side, protesting against any sudden movements as I did so. 

It was 7.30 A.M.

Just then the alarm started ringing, an annoying beeping echoing around the room. Hassan groaned and reached a hand  subconsciously trying to find his phone.

I smiled, fascinated as I watched him, trying to keep the laugh that threatened to escape my lips.

As soon as he switched his alarm off, he turned to me, glaring.

"What?" I asked, smiling innocently.

He smiled, shaking his head, "Nothing, everything is perfect." He sat up, taking my hand into his, " How do you feel my love?"

"I'm okay."

He smiled, slowly lifting my hand, placing a kiss on my knuckles. 

"You're going to the office today?" I asked, trying to calm the blush that spread across my cheeks.

"Jee, Ridwaan is taking the day off, so I have to go." 

I nodded , trying to hide the disappointment from my face. I kind of got used to having him around, as he worked from home these past few days. 

"Hey, " He whispered, gently placing a hand beneath my chin. "I just have a few meetings, I'll be home soon... "

"I know, " I said, forcing a smile onto my lips.

"I could cancel if you want..."

I shook my head no. "Just promise to bring me a donut on your way home."

He laughed, "Glazed or cinnamon?"

I frowned, now that was a tough decision...

Hassan smiled, his eyes lighting up, "I'll just get both." 

I smiled, before placing a quick kiss on his cheek, "Thank you."

I shook his head, "There's no need to thank me... Just give me a proper kiss..."

And so I did.


Hassan's POV:

I left my house with a heavy heart, not wanting to leave at all, but I had an important meeting with a Private Investigator. 

I didn't trust speaking to him over the phone and asking him to meet me at home, would cause Aasia's suspicion. 

I walked into my office, nodding at my assistant, "When Mr Diago arrives, let him in. "

She nodded, making a note on a pink post-it.

I pulled out my phone and messaged Aasia, letting her know that I arrived safely. To which she immediately replied with a red heart and a kissy-face emoji.

' Are you missing me already?' I typed.

'Not as much as I miss those donuts.'

I smiled, and sent her 3 crying emojis.

'Jk, of course I miss my husband. Have a good day. I hope the meetings go well.'

'Thanks my love... Have a good day too.'

A speech bubble popped up with flashing ellipsis,  indicating that she was typing, when there was a knock on my door. 

A man wearing casual clothing walked in, a smile on his face.

"Mr Diago?" 

"Good morning Mr Malik. " He extended his hand formally and I shook it. 

"I need your help..."


After explaining my situation to him, Mr Diago left, promising to get back to me by the end of the week latest. 

His first question playing on my mind.

"Do you have any enemies?"

As a lawyer I had plenty. 

Unsatisfied clients.

Angry oppositions.

Jealous workers.

You name it.

But who would hate me enough to harm my wife and my unborn child.

Who would be so cruel?

And better yet... Who knew about the baby if I didn't even know?

I sighed, running a hand through my hair in frustration.

All I truly wanted was to keep Aasia safe...

Was that too much to ask for?


Revenge (Anonymous POV)

I closed my window slowly, watching as Hassan Malik entered Krispy Kremes.

He smiled down at his phone as he walked into the store, oblivious of my presence. 

I watched him for a second longer, the cool metal of the gun , begging me to pull the trigger. 

I traced my finger over the muzzle, imagining the bullet emerging and taking the life of the one person who robbed me of mine. 

But now was not the time.

First... he must pay...



Apologies for the late update, I am currently in the middle of tests. 

Who do you think the shooter is?

A)Unsatisfied client

B)Angry oppositions

C)Jealous workers

Comment your thoughts.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

don't forget to hit that vote button.



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