Chapter 4

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Aasia's POV

  "Please excuse me... I.. I... I'm sorry." And with that I ran out of the lounge. 

"Aasia!" My Mammajee exclaimed but I was already making my way up the staircase.

 I didn't stop running until I was safely in my room, where I removed my niqab and sat down on the floor, my back to the door. I tried to wipe away my tears, but they just kept betraying me and continued rolling  down my cheeks.

'I can't believe I ran away from the Maliks of all people!' I thought embarrassed about my behavior. 

"Mum says you shouldn't sit on the floor. It makes your cwothes dirty and cwinkled" A small voice said, breaking my thoughts and making me turn around.  

There standing in my doorway was Hamza Malik, looking as adorable as ever. As soon as he saw my tear streaked cheeks he frowned. 

"Why you cwying Sia?" He asked walking towards me.

I tried to smile and wiped the tears away. "I...I'm not. Not anymore."

Hamza smiled, showing a small dimple in his left  cheek, this  kid was seriously the most adorable child I had ever seen. 

He reached out and wiped a tear from under  my eye, "There much better." He whispered and gave me a hug. "You very bowtiful Sia. Don't wowwy I'm sure Hassan Bai will like you vewy much." He said so seriously that I actually burst out laughing, but as soon as I saw him pout in anger I immediately stopped even though his pout made me want to start laughing again. 

"I'm sewious! Hassan Bai likes pwetty girls." He shouted.

I raised an eyebrow, "Does he now?"

Hamza nodded vigorously, "He always told me that I must find a pwetty wife... like you... but I can't mawwy you 'cause you must mawwy Hassan Bai." 

"I don't know if I am going marry Hassan." I said ruffling Hamza's hair. 

Hamza frowned, "Why not! Hassan Bai is awesome... he listens to me, he gives me sweeties, he tucks me into bed and reads me stories, he is the best! You have to mawwy him!"

I smiled at Hamza, trying to imagine his Sourpuss brother being so... sweet.

I was about to reply to Hamza, when there was a knock on the door, I instantly looked up and when I saw it was none other than Hassan, I immediately ducked behind Hamza, as I did not have my niqab on. 

Hassan cleared his throat before saying, "Hamza we are going home now, Dad's already waiting in the car."

"We can't go! The pwaposal's not finished!" Hamza shouted, and I could just imagine the pout he probably had on.

Hassan sighed, "The proposal is over, Hamza please can you just listen and come down."

"So you gonna marry Sia?"

"No...No I'm not marrying Aasia." Was the quick reply, and for some reason his statement made me feel bad...guilty even. 

I didn't move from my position behind Hamza until I heard footsteps going down the stairs, Hamza turned around with a sad expression on his cute little face. 

"What's wrong little man?" I asked, not liking the look on his face.

"Hassan Bai says we havte go...and that you not gonna mawwy him..."

I sighed and stood up, dusting my dress and putting my niqab back on, "Well then I guess we better stop him from leaving then... The proposal's not over yet."



Firstly I would like to thank each and every reader, who has taken their time to read my story...If it wasn't for you guys I probably wouldn't be... *Drum roll please*... 389 in spiritual!!!

Thank you and Jazaakallah for that!

U better not forget to vote and comment!



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