Chapter 17

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Dedicated to : AarifahKarolia

You were the first one to take a guess... u were quite close to guessing right!

Hassan's POV

After reading Fajr, I sat down on the couch, silently watching Aasia read her Fajr.

I ran a hand through my hair in frustration... the guilt of lying sat heavily on my shoulders... I'd have to confront her about it... I had so many unanswered questions... so many questions I'm sure she tried to avoid.

I looked away as soon as she completed her Fajr... I did not want to be caught staring. I let the incident that occurred last night play on my mind.

(Earlier on that night.)

After my screaming match with Aasia, I exited the bathroom, after a nice cold shower, I finally managed to calm myself down.

I found her asleep on the couch... she was so stubborn. I had the urge to pick her up and put her on the bed... but that might just make her angrier at me, so I decided against it, and went to the bed, lying down. I shut my eyes, allowing sleep to finally overpower me.

"No! Help him!" A voice shouted, causing me to jump up. I looked around in surprise, trying to find the person that screamed.

"No! No... please no!" The voice shouted again, I turned to look at Aasia, she was still asleep.

"Help him!" She screamed and my eyes widened in shock when she sat up.

"Aasia?" I questioned, and she looked at me, panic across her face.

"Help him... please"

I frowned, was she still asleep?

"How can I help you?" I asked p, still confused, when I saw tears start rolling down her cheeks.

"T...tell him I'm sorry... that I love him..." she said as more tears rolled down her cheeks.

I clenched my jaw, 'who was he and why did she love him?' I thought angrily. Then stopped myself, she needed my help -even though I didn't know what was actually going on- this was not the time to get angry...

"Will you tell him?" She asked, well more like begged.

I nodded, "I did and he said he loves you too." I answered jealousy lacing my words.

She blinked, and then started crying again... "N...No he hates me."

"No he doesn't... comon go back to sleep"

She blinked again, and walked towards the bed, jumping in... I sighed, I guess I'll be sleeping on the couch.

I started walking towards the couch, but she grabbed my hand.

"P...please don't leave me... sleep next to he used to. "

My eyes widened, but I nodded, and jumped into bed, next to her.

As soon as her head hit the pillow, her eyes shut, and she never said another word.

I released my breath, and ran a hand across my forehead trying to calm my anger down.

'who was he and why did he sleep besides her...she is mine."

I shook my head, what was wrong with me? Why did I always feel jealous when it came to her?

I turned around, facing my back to her, and fell back into a deep sleep, only to be awoken by a very annoying alarm clock.

Aasia jumped out of the bed, only to trip over the sheets and land quite loudly on the floor.

Shock and absolute surprise covered her shock.

' did she remember any of last night? ' I thought as she stood up and went to switch the alarm off.

As soon as she asked why I had carried her I knew she didn't remember... I don't think she was even awake.

Apparently if a person sleep walks, they look pretty awake, act normal, and talk normally... they just don't remember anything when they wake up.

I sighed I guess I won't be getting any answers related to this incident... not yet anyway.



Yes yes I know this was an extremely short chapter.

I kinda felt bad for leaving off on such a cliffhanger and it felt toooooooo cruel to make u guys here u are.

Now u understand what happened...

Aasia was sleep walking/talking.

Thats why she didn't know how she got to the bed nor does she know wat she told Hassan.

Thats why Hassan said that she moved herself to the bed.

Pls do comment on wat u thought of this chapter!

And vote if u dare




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