Chapter 12

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Aasia's POV:

I felt my heart beat speed up as soon as the big metal gates opened, and I drove in, before I had the urge to drive away.

I was currently outside The Malik's home- or mansion rather- with Aunt Sadia.

Why was I there?

Because Mrs Malik wanted to discuss wedding plans and refused to meet at my  house - that's why.

Was I mad?

Yes, yes I was.

"Aasia..." Aunt Sadia said,looking over at me worriedly. " Please don't say anything... uh... inappropriate."  

I nodded and let out a shaky breath. Sadly Aunt Sadia was there when Mrs Malik's maid called saying we need to come there, and she saw me slam  down the phone in complete anger.

Why was I even this angry- I didn't know but I was definitely not going to make a big scene out of it. 

I parked the car beside the fountain and slowly climbed out, making my way towards the already open doors.

"Hi... Mrs Malik will be with you in a few minutes, please have a seat." A woman - who I'm guessing was the maid - said, gesturing to the couches, behind the glass staircase.

"Beautiful room, isn't it." Aunt Sadia said, looking around, before taking a seat.

"Yes, but so... boring." was my only reply- everything in the room was white - besides the plasma TV mounted on one of the walls.

"How is it so... white? If we had a white room, the carpet would be beige by the end of the week."

"That's not true!" I laughed.

"By the amount of times you come accidentally step in mud I'm sure it would."

"Hey... I..." But I stopped, as soon as I heard someone walking down the stairs.

I looked up, and there, walking towards us was Mrs Malik.

"Assalaamu Alaykum." I greeted, standing up.

"Wa alaykum mus salaam." Mrs Malik replied, shaking my hand, before turning to Aunt Sadia.

I quietly took a seat, admiring Mrs Malik's beutiful black dress. There were black sequences covering the black  lace, which covered the black satin beneath it. Mrs Malik's black Jimmy Choo heals complemented her dress perfectly. 

"So... Aasia... I hope you agree that a big wedding is exactly what you need. Oh and please dear  remove your niqab, Mr Malik isn't home" Mrs Malik said sitting down.

I slowly took my niqab off, a little bit unsure, but it would be rude to keep it on if there was no males around.


"Aasia would prefer a small wedding." Aunt Sadia said, cutting me off.

"I understand, let's say 1000 people." 

My eyebrows immediately shot up at Mrs Malik's reply. 1000 people was not what I called small.

"300 people sounds reasonable." Aunt Sadia negotiated, while I just sat there.

"300! That's tiny!"

"1000 is way to big."

"If you can't afford it, we'll pay for everything." Mrs Malik said.

"This has nothing to  do with money! You know quite well that we can afford it just as much as you can." Aunt Sadia shouted.

"Then I don't  see the problem."

"The problem, is that my niece wants a small wedding and that is exactly what she will have!"

Mrs Malik frowned, angrily, and was about to reply when footsteps making their way down the staircase stopped her.

As soon as I saw the shoes were definitely not female, I grabbed my niqab and covered my face, just in time. A split second later, Hassan stopped at the bottom of the staircase and looked directly at me. A angry expression covering his face. 

"Hassan! You're just in time!" Mrs Malik said, putting on a smile, "We were just discussing wedding plans."

Hassan nodded, his gaze still on me, "I am on my way out, we can discuss this later."

"Where are you going?" Mrs Malik asked, a frown upon her face.

"Out." was his only reply, before walking out, slamming the door shut behind him.

Mrs Malik turned back to us, "500 that's the lowest I'm going. Now if you'll excuse me, an  emergency popped up." she said standing up and walking out, following Hassan.

Aunt Sadia stood up, angrily, "Come on Aasia we're leaving."

well... that was a complete waste of time. 


Salaams guys

How was it?

The next update may be in a few weeks time. sorry. but i hope u guys understand.

Ramadhaan Mubarak to all of u!


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