Chapter 43

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Aasia's POV

In anger, I drove out of the thoughts a muddle and my heart a mess.

I was just going for a drive, to Krispy Kreme and back...I just needed a donut. A nice sugar coated one to sweeten up my mood.

I parked my car and walked into the store, the smell of donuts and coffee calming me down instantly. Yes, this is exactly what I needed... a treat.

I felt guilty for storming out on Hassan, I should have told him where I was going, but I was too angry... I didn't realise that he would probably be worried if he couldn't find me.

I sighed and reached into my pocket...only to realise I've left my phone at home on the kitchen table. I mentally face palmed myself at my carelessness... 

I ordered a box of donuts and a coffee and sat down at a nearby table waiting for my coffee. 

I tapped my fingers on the table, replaying the night's events. My anger towards my husband was slowly fading as I tried to imagine how this must all feel for him. Of course that doesn't give him the permission to say the hurtful things that he did, but it did make me more open to forgiveness. 

I was so deep in thought that I didn't realise the attendant calling my name, until the coffee was slammed in front of me. 

"Your coffee Ms" was all she said before stomping off. 

I grabbed my coffee, added two sugars to it, before taking a large gulp, allowing the hot liquid to burn its way down, warming me up from the inside and causing my tongue to tingle with the heat. 

I was about to take a second sip, when I heard a car squeal  to a stop in front of the shop and a pissed Hassan climbed out. 

Our eyes met and I was about to take a step towards him when my vision blurred before everything turned black. 


Hassan's POV 

I was driving so recklessly, my eyes wandering the streets as I sped through them. Looking but not seeing clearly, and maybe that's why I saw Aasia's car without actually seeing it, until I had to make a U-turn and drive back, stopping at a Krispy Kreme. 

Despite the situation I couldn't help but smile. 'Of course she'd be here.' 

I jumped out of my car, not even bothering to lock it and practically ran into the store, my eyes searching frantically until they met hers. 

I sighed, but my relief was short lived as I watched her sway slightly before collapsing to the floor. 

Unlike the movies, I didn't make it in time to catch her. 

Unlike the fairytales, she bumped her head on a nearby table with such force I could feel the echo through my bones. 

Unlike the lies we tell children, I watched helplessly as the love of my life lay still on the floor, the cut on her head soaking her niqaab with blood. 


The rest of the night was such a blur. 

A rush of adrenaline being  the only force allowing me to rush her to hospital for the second time in a month. 

Fear being the reason I sat by her side as nurses rushed about, poking needles into her, trying to give her blood she desperately needed. 

Love forcing me to hold her hand and not let go as a doctor stitched up the cut on her forehead. 

I had promised to protect her and I had failed.


It felt like every time we fought, something terrible happened to her. 

And this time it was my fault. 

All mine! 

Maybe she was better off without me. 

Maybe without me, she'd finally be safe! 

Maybe... A word of misery... A word of lost hope.... A word that crushes all peace of mind... A word that should be avoided at all costs, after all...

It's the maybes that will kill you. 


Revenge (Anonymous) POV 

I smiled as I slammed my car door shut and happily took the stairs two at a time, until I reached the dusty, old flat I called home. 

Oh  everything was going perfectly. 

Hassan's fear stricken eyes replayed in my mind and I let out a cruel laugh 

He thought I'd never get him to feel the fear I once did 

He laughed arrogantly in my face when I said I'd have my revenge. 

Looks like I'll be the only one laughing when he finds the surprise I left for him in his car. 

I wouldn't miss that reaction for the world.

'Oh Hassan Malik, you have something else coming..." 


Salaams beautiful people 

I don't think a 'sorry' is even enough for leaving this book on such a cliffhanger and not updating in forever, 

However I truly am sorry. 

2020 has been a crazy year for everyone. 

Here's one more crazy piece of information : I intend completing this book before anyone can shout "Happy New Years" 

I always intended for this book to have 50 chapters, so 7 more chapters to go! 

Wish me luck!

And a sincere Thanks to anyone who is still reading this!

I truly love you guys ! 


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