Chapter 8

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Aasia's POV:

I slowly placed the CD into my laptop and waited  as it loaded. A few seconds later my mom's face popped up on the screen and my heart stopped.

She looked so beautiful, so young, so alive...

She smiled at the camera, a smile so sincere and heart warming, it made me want to smile back, and so I did. Even though she couldn't see me, i smiled back. 

"Hey baby, My sweet, sweet Aasia..." My mom paused and looked away, trying to regain her composure, not wanting me to see her cry. She looked back at the camera and wiped away a tear. 

"If you are watching this, it means that you have come to that stage in your life where everything is about to change. A time where there is that special someone, a very special someone, who has either stolen your heart or he is about to..." At that my mom stopped and looked away, a memory seeming to seize her attention. "It kind of reminds me of the first time I met your father, but that's a story for another time. Right now I want to talk about that proposal. You know that very special one that has probably made you scared, or confused. The one that you actually consider saying yes to. "

My mom paused again and looked down, a frown covering her forehead, "I guess the only advise I can give you right now is to have faith. Have faith in your creator, Allah, and trust that he will do what is best for you. Make Istikhara, that's the best thing. No matter how you feel, make Istikhara. Even if you are falling in love with him or even if you hate him make Istikhara. Trust in Allah and Taqdeer is the best thing a person can have. I love you Aasia, no matter what happens, I will always love you! Always remember, meeting someone is fate, but falling in love with them is beyond our control. So when it happens- and it will trust me it will- embrace it, don't fight it. I love you my sweet baby girl." and with that the video ended. 

"I love you too mom." I replied, as I felt my heart clench.

I switched my laptop off and placed it on my nightstand, before pulling my blanket up to my chin. A few minutes later, I fell into a restless sleep. 


"Aasia? Aasia wake up." I heard someone say, before they started shaking me again. "You have to read Maghrib Salaat." the voice continued. I groaned and pulled the blanket higher causing the person sigh. A few seconds later, I felt a chill all over my body, as the blanket was yanked off of me. 

I jumped up instantly, almost falling off of my bed in the process, only to find a very amused Aunt Sadia staring at me with wide eyes and a smirk on her face. 

"Can i have my blanket back?" I huffed, crossing my arms and pouting like a little kid.

"Nope, if i give it  back you would  surely miss your maghrib  salaah."

"Maghrib!" I exclaimed, my eyes the size of saucers, where had the time gone. I jumped out of bed, tripping over the shoes beside my bed, and landing, in a heap, on the floor.

"Ya Allah... give me the strength to deal with clumsy nieces." My aunt exclaimed, throwing her arms up in the air, dramatically. "My dear how are you going to get married? Hassan will have to spend more money on your medical  fees than your clothes because you  will be tripping all over the place." She continued with the same smirk on her face.

I instantly shot her a glare, " I will not marry Hassan!"

Aunt Sadia shook her head, "Don't say such things, the angels might reply. Make Istikhara first."

I nodded, "But first read your maghrib." She said, walking out of my room, my blanket in her arms. 


Istikhara- a salaah performed when a decision needs to be made and one does not know what to do. It is believed that one who reads Istikhara salaah and  then goes straight to bed, they will receive the answer to their question, either in a dream or as soon as they awaken,

Taqdeer- what is predestined by Allah  and what will happen.

Maghrib- the prayer read a little  bit after sunset.

Salaat- prayer


Salaams guys I hoped u'll liked the update.

This one made me kinda emotional, especially the beginning.

The next chapter will have more about Hassan don't worry he  hasn't dissappeared.

Don't forget to hit the vote button before leaving and ur thoughts are highly appreciated in the comments section.

Jazaakallah for reading.



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