Chapter 5

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Aasia's POV

"Hamza! We are leaving you better..." Hassan shouted, but stopped abruptly when he saw Hamza making his way down the stairs, holding my hand.

He watched us as we made our way down the stairs, anger flashing in his eyes, either at me or at Hamza, I couldn't tell. that I think of it, I'm guessing it was me, I did just run away from him and his proposal.

I turned my gaze away from the angry grey-eyed man and turned to look at the door, where Mr and Mrs Malik were greeting my aunt and uncle, but now they were looking at me.

I released Hamza's hand and walked towards them, "Mr and Mrs Malik I... I would like to apologies for... uh running away... I would like to continue with this proposal."

Mrs Malik looked at Mr Malik and then at me, "I'm sorry dear, but we actually have a meeting that we need to attend to,"

"Which can wait..." Mr Malik said cutting his wife out.

"Are you sure?" I asked

"Why yes of course." Mr Malik said with a smile, then he looked at Hassan, who still looked pretty angry, but he nodded his head in agreement to what his father had said.

Aunt Sadia smiled and quickly ushered everyone back to the lounge, once everyone was seated Mr Malik said, "Well... I think Aasia and Hassan should get to know each other...let's say for 15 minutes?"

Aunt Sadia and Mamajee both turned to look at me and I slowly nodded my head in agreement.

'Don't worry Aasia... 15 minutes is not that long..." I told myself, trying to calm down my nerves as Hassan stood up and gestured for me to follow him.

"Can we sit outside?" I asked and Mamajee and Mr Malik both nodded, so I lead the way outside, with Hassan a few feet behind me.

I sat down on one of the benches, my favourite one actually because it faces the fountain, and Hassan sat on the one to my right.

I swallowed nervously and started playing with my fingers, a bad habit that I tend to have when ever I feel nervous.

"Why did you come and propose?" I questioned.

'I know what you probably thinking... Of all the questions to ask the man who could possibly be my husband that's the one I chose to ask... But seriously I really wanted to know what drove Hassan Malik, one of the richest and most handsome men, to come and propose to me.'

"You were my parent's first choice..." He replied.

"Oh." Was all I said, well that might explain his anger.

"Will you take off your niqab? So that I may see the face of the women I would possibly marry?" He asked or more like demanded.

I frowned, 'Why was he so moody? He came to my house." But I took my niqab off anyway, he did have the right of seeing my face as he did have the intention of marriage.

I took it off slowly and folded it and placed it on my lap, keeping my gaze down, not wanting to look up at him. Not wanting to see his expression.

"Well..." He said causing me to finally look up at him, "Hamza was right about one thing... You really are beautiful."

I blushed and looked away, "So how much of that conversation did you hear?"


I nodded and started playing with the bangles on my wrists. "What do you expect of me...if I did marry you?"

Hassan shrugged, "Whatever a wife is supposed to do... I guess."

"Like the cooking and cleaning stuff?"

"We have maids for that."

I nodded 'of course they did.', " And what if I did want to cook?"

"Then you can cook, it's a free country you know."

I clenched my jaw angrily and looked away, his short and snappy answers was starting to really annoy him.

"Look..." Hassan said, and I turned my attention back on him, "I am not the romantic type so don't expect me to give you any flowers on anything like that... The only reason I'm actually here is because..." But he stopped abruptly, his nose slightly flaring in anger.

"Is?" I asked confused, his sudden burst of anger really came out of no where.

He shook his head, "Never mind."

"No...say it... Why are you really here Hassan Malik?"

His eyes narrowed slightly, in anger, "I already told you, and don't use that tone with me."

"Why not? It's the only tone you used on me."

"You really are annoying aren't you... No wonder you parents left."

As soon as he said that, tears burned in my eyes, but I bit my lip, refusing to let them go, stood up and walked away.

"Aasia wait!" Hassan shouted making me stop dead in my tracks,

"What?" I asked turning around slightly.

"You should probably put you niqab back on, before going into the house."


Salaams guys

I hope u'll liked the chapter.

I'm so sorry for not updating this weekend, so I made this chapter longer.



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