Chapter 2

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All Islaamic words are explained at the end and if other words are not understood, please do ask what they  mean.

Aasia's POV

"Allahu-Akbar, Allahu-Akbar, Ashadu"

I grabbed my phone and switched off the adhaan. It was Fajr time, which meant that it was time to pray and my day had begun. I was about to switch my phone off, when my eyes fell on the date, and my heart stopped in fear. It was Sunday, the dreadful day was here, today was the day the Maliks were coming over.

I slowly put my phone down and got out of bed before I was tempted to go back to sleep. I made wudhu and read my Fair sallah. 

When I was done, I climbed back into bed, but I found that despite my best efforts, I couldn't fall asleep, so I decided to make myself a cup of coffee instead. I walked out of my room. down the staircase and into the kitchen in silence, not wanting to awaken my aunt and uncle. I boiled the kettle and made myself a cup a nestle coffee, then I took a seat at the kitchen table. 

As I sat alone at the table my mind involuntarily went to my parents. I imagined them in this very kitchen, their words echoing off the walls and smiles decorated on their faces. They would have been so happy, so peaceful... so alive. I tightened my grasp on the cup, as my heart clenched and a single tear escaped my eye. I slowly put the cup down and quickly wiped the tear away before another one chose to escape. 

'Now is not the time to cry about the past, Aasia. Focus on the present and leave the future in the hands of the Almighty.' I told myself firmly, before sipping up the last drop of coffee, and leaving the kitchen in a hurry. 

"Aasia dear are you alright?" Aunt Sadia asked, causing me to jump in surprise as I had not seen her walking  down the stairs. 

I nodded my head slowly, and kept my gaze on the floor. Aunt Sadia sighed, "Aasia you need to tell me what is wrong, so that I may help."

"I'm fine Aunt Sadia." I replied, not looking up to meet her gaze. 

We stood there awkwardly for a few seconds before Aunt Sadia pulled me into a hug. "I got you a new dress specially for today, it's in your room, I hope you like it." she whispered in my ear,before releasing me and walking into the kitchen.

True to her word, I found a beautiful dress on my bed. It was a simple beige colour, with black lace covering the entire dress. I smiled and ran my hand over the material, it was soft and probably really comfortable. Aunt Sadia sure had great taste in clothing.

I took a shower and washed my hair with my favorite vanilla fragrance shampoo. Then pulled on a pair of black tights and slipped on the dress. Even though it was loose fitting and long sleeved, it still looked beautiful and it was really comfortable. I dried and brushed my hair before putting it in a bun and wearing a hijaab. I decided to wear a pair of black heels that complimented the dress. 

As soon as I was about to put on a set of black bangles, I heard the buzzer go off, which indicated that  someone was at the gate. I quickly tied my niqab and looked out of my window just in time to see two black Porches pull into the front yard.

I guess the Maliks were here. 



Firstly I would like to apologise for the delay in writing this chapter, I hope i didn't make you wait to long and secondly I wold like to thank you for reading this chapter.

I hope u enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Few words and their meanings

adhaan - call to prayer

Fajr - the first prayer of the day

wudhu- an act of purifying oneself for prayer

sallah - prayer

hijaab- a scarf worn on the head of women

niqab- a veil worn to cover the faces of women.

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