Chapter 21

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Aasia's POV

"Come on Aasia we have to leave." Hassan said, for the third time this morning. 

I sighed and tore my gaze away from the Eiffel Tower. We were leaving today after a very long week of touring the beautiful city of Paris and as many times as I saw the Tower in this week, I just couldn't get enough of it. 

Hassan, however, couldn't fathom why anyone would want to travel such long distances only to see a 'Giant Power Stand' or so he called it. 

We did however, visit the Eiffel Tower and even though Hassan complained all the way, it was definitely worth it! The sight was beautiful and honestly left me speechless.

We also visited quite a few art museums, as I insisted and Hassan reluctantly agreed. 

While I gazed amusingly at the paintings, Hassan gazed at me... it was quite annoying at first and when I snapped at him, all he said was, "You find these boring pages amusing and I find your reaction to these boring pages amusing." So I went back to  looking at the art, even though I was insulted by him calling it boring, and he went back to looking at me. He did, however look at quite a few artworks and seemed to be enjoying it and I even caught him staring, admiring a few. 

Needless to say, the trip was amazing, even though I thought it would be awkward, it wasn't.

Neither Hassan nor I mentioned his mom, or Humairah again, even though he called her almost every night. 

Hassan slept on the couch every night and I slept on the bed, even though I told him to sleep on the bed, that I didn't mind, he refused. The only strange part was me awakening one morning to find that I was asleep...on the couch...with Hassan's arms around me... How that happened I would never know,because as soon as I realized what was happening, I quietly slid out of his arms and when he awoke, I pretended as if nothing happened.  If Hassan knew anything of that situation he kept it to himself and never mentioned it once,nor gave hints to it. 

"Aasia..." Hassan said, clearly annoyed with me...

"Yeah, I know... we have to leave..."  I said mimicking his voice, "But it's so beautiful..."

Hassan shook his head, clearly not amused, "Firstly I do not sound like that and secondly it's a damn power stand. Now come on we have to go!" 

I rolled my eyes, gave the Tower one last glance, before grabbing my handbag and leaving the room, with Hassan following behind me. I guess all good things have to come to an end.

As soon as we reached the airport, I grabbed Hassan's hand, he gave me a quick look, shrugged and continued walking.

"Hassan? Where are you going?" I asked when he walked straight past the Departure Terminals. 

"What? Oh you mean go there? Where men harass my wife and my bags don't arrive on time... No way! We flying private."

"What?" I asked confused.

"We.Are.Flying.Private! Do you want me to spell it out for you love?"

This caused me to roll my eyes, "I heard you the first time... I was just surprised...that's all."

Hassan smiled, "Never flew private before?" he asked and when I shook my head he smirked, "Don't worry... I'll hold your hand if you're scared." He said raising our joint hands and this caused me to laugh. A real laugh...


"Hassan?" I questioned as soon as the plane landed. 


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