Chapter 41

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Hassan's POV

24 hours have passed since my meeting with Mr Diago. And still...nothing.

All I got was a "I'm working on it...whoever did this...they're good."

I was getting impatient. I know, 24 hours wasn't a lot if time...but when it came to situations linked so closely to my felt like an eternity.

I ran my hands through my hair as I continued my work, but my thoughts kept drifting to my beautiful wife.

I kept hearing the gun shot, kept envisioning her beautiful face masked in pain, her tiny hands gripping her waist as blood oozed out of the wound near her hip.

I closed my eyes, trying to get that thought out of my head.

The fact that it happened in my office, mere centimeters away from where I now sat didn't help at all.

I stood up and walked to one of the glass windows... whoever it is must have been close by... it was hard to tell from where as my office was towards the centre of the building, surrounded by multiple skyscrapers.

I sighed and pulled out my phone, checking for messages from Mr Diago before deciding to call Asia.

She answerd on the second ring.


"Waalaykum salaam. How are you my love? Any pain? Did you take your medication?" I asked concern lacing my voice.

She laughed, a soft musical sound to my ears. "I'm fine Hassan... a lot better since you called actually... I miss you."

I smiled, sitting down in my chair once more. "I'll be home soon, I promise."

"I know... I'm sorry. "

"Hey,it's okay... don't apologise...I'm sorry I couldn't be home sooner."

"I'll see you later... be safe."

I smiled at her concern, before ending the call.

I was just about to continue my work when my phone vibrated.

It was Mr Diago...

And he had news for me...


Aasia's POV

Hassan was late.

Normally he comes home by 6 'o clock, latest... it was already half past seven.

I checked my phone for the hundredth time, but still no response. I didn't want to call him, for fear that he was busy...

But where was he?

I paced the kitchen, checking on the food, Alfredo Pasta, his favourite. I rearranged the table, adding fancy serviettes.

Half an hour later, I sat down, fear enveloping my heart.

I looked at the watch one more time, before picking up my phone and calling Hassan.

He didn't answer.

I sighed and sat down, deciding to call Ridwaan.

My heart thundered in my chest with each ring until he answered.


"Hi, Ridwaan... it's Aasia. Do you know where Hassan is?"

" I wasn't at the office today... did you try calling him?"

"Jee...he didn't reply."

"Uh... "

But the rest of his words were drowned out at the sound of a car approaching.

I ran to the door, just as it opened and Hassan walked in.

And boy did he look pissed.

Salaams to all my beautiful readers.

I know, I know...I haven't updated in ages...I'm sorry.

I hope you enjoyed this incredibly short chapter.

Don't forget to vote and comments are always appreciated



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