Chapter 42

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Aasia's POV

"Hassan." I whispered, slowly walking towards him.

He looked at me, his gaze heated with anger.

I stepped cautiously, my eyes never leaving his.

"Hassan...My love...what's wrong?"

In an instant, his eyes softened... he pulled me towards him, his arms wrapped tightly around me. I heard the beating of his heart slow down to a normal pace as he breathed in deeply.

"Everything's perfect now. " he said, his voice vibrating in his chest.

I pulled back, a hint of a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.

"I'm sorry I'm late..."

"What matters is that you're home safe."

He smiled and leaned down, kissing my forehead gently.

"And something smells delicious."

"I made your favourite! Come...I'm starving. "

Hassan laughed, and I held his hand dragging him to the kitchen.


After eating and loading the dish washer, Hassan and I were lying on the couch in our room upstairs. The guards were stationed outside our room door. As much as I despised their presence, I knew it was for my own safety, so I never complained.

My head was against Hassan's  chest, his hands playing with my hair.

Everything was peaceful, seemingly perfect. I closed my eyes, enjoying the melody of Hassan's heart beating in his chest, his breaths deep and peaceful.

"Aasia." He whispered gently.


"Can I ask you a question?" The seriousness of his tone, made me sit up, my eyes meeting his.


"When did you know you were pregnant?"

I looked down ,guilt filling my core, bringing on a wave of nausea. I swallowed...

"I... I had my suspicions, but... I only knew for sure two days before we had the braai." I said softly, guiltily looking up to meet his eyes which were filled with sadness.

"Two days before... then...why didn't you tell me. That was before you had any reason to hide it." His tone was sad, edged with anger...his eyes lighting up in a way I haven't seen in a while.

"I...I wanted to make it special...then...then I heard you and Mamajee speaking...and " tears were slowly filling my eyes, but I refused to let them fall. "I was hurt Hassan... I'm sorry...but I wanted you to hurt too... keeping it from you... it felt like revenge... I'm so sorry...if only I knew."

Hassan pulled away from me, a frown on his face...his lips in a thin angry line.

"Did you tell anyone? How did you know for sure?"

" I went for a scan..." my voice came out in a whisper. "The day after the braai... but I took a pregnancy test two days before..."

"You went for your first scan...without me? Because you were angry ... or...or were you checking if the baby was mine?"

I gasped, shocked at what he was insinuating... is that what he thought of me?

I stood up, my frown falling, my tears vanished in a second.

Where was all of this even coming from?

Why now?

Hassan watched me with blazing eyes, as I stood before him.

"Is that how little you think of me?" I asked, my voice merely audible.

And with that I left the room, slamming the door behind me.


Hassan's POV

I slammed my fist onto the coffee table and burried my head in my hands.

What a day!

First Mr Diago tells me that he found footage of a lady that could be Aasia outside a Women's Clinic ... I said it could never be her...she wouldn't have gone without me...

Then we drove to the clinic, only to find that the doctor who was on duty that day had gone on holiday and no one had heard from her since...

After hours of searching for the files from that day, the receptionist says that the doctor must have taken all the medical files with her as none of them were there.

On my way home I realised I had left my cellphone in my office, I decided to just leave it and get it tomorrow. So I just went home.

At first, I just wanted to get information out of Aasia for Mr Diago, but then...then my anger and insecurities got the better of me and I voiced the one question I promised myself I'd never ask her.

And now look what I've done.

"Aasia!" I called as I walked out of the room and found both bodyguards still stationed outside .

"Where is she?" I questioned.

They both shrugged, a panicked look across their faces "She said to leave her alone... " one replied.

"And you listened to her?!" I yelled.

I ran downstairs and found the kitchen and dining room bare with the front door wide open.

"Aasia?!" I called heart clenching in fear.

'Where was she? Did she leave?'

I walked outside and found the third male bodyguard asleep, half a cup of  coffee beside him.

"Aasia!" I yelled again, panic filling my lungs.

The male guard woke up with a shock as I rushed outside towards the garage. The door was wide open and Aasia's car was gone. I ran a hand through my hair before grabbing a set of car keys and rushing out of the yard.

She couldn't have gone far...

"Please be okay." I whispered my heart filled with regret and fear.


Revenge (Anonymous POV)

I watched from the safety of a rooftop as the drama unfolded infront of me.

First Hassan seemed to be angry, then Aasia, and before I knew it, the scene unfolded just as I had wished...just as I had planned.

Aasia left the house as expected, her car speeding out.

It didn't take long before Hassan began searching for her, he too then sped out...not bothering to check his surroundings.

I smiled, everything was perfect. I  walked downstairs and climbed into my car.

It was time for a game of cat and mouse...

And I loved games.


Salaams to all my wonderful readers.


I have updated... yet again...

Do you know what that means?

That we are one chapter closer to the ending 😭

That is why I've been dreading writing...and held of updating for a little...

But I have finally faced the inevitable.

This story must end for a new one to begin.

Yes, yes I am in the process of beginning a new story... 

And here's even better's about two characters from this book. However it could be read as a stand alone novel as well.

Therefore I hope to update at a much faster rate...

So don't worry these cliffhangers won't last very long.


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