Chapter 1-

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I woke up feeling my dirty blonde hair in a braid. I glanced at the ocean blue sheets and then looked in the ceiling. The ceiling was so short I could touch it. I was never meant to be tall. My mother was 4'5" and my father 4'8". I'm 5'10" and 14 years old.

But the difference is, we live in Africa now. Our family just moved here a week ago because my parents are determined to help others here in need. By the time I graduate High School, we'll be in Europe.

I stepped out of bed and took a peek out the window. There were African children playing games outside.

"Ashley!" I heard Mom say from the kitchen. I scrambled to her.

"Why weren't you up before?" Mom said. "You're supposed to be up by 10 am, IT'S 11:45!"

"Well I'm sorry," I said. "It's Saturday,"

"The African children have school today, they have school EVERY DAY but Sunday,"

"You need to chill," Dad told Mom walking in.

"No, Chris, I don't,"

"Ok then, who decided to go on this job of caring for African children?,"

"Shut up!" Mom concluded the converstation.

My little brother, Luke was sitting on the couch, playing video games. Dad sat next to him, reading a magazine.

"Woah-Woah-Woah!" Mom stormed over. "It is a nice day outside and we're stuck in HERE! Lucas Charles, go play with the children outside, It's 84 degrees out. Ashley Rae, you are banned from the house until 5 pm, YOU UNDERSTAND ME?!" I've never seen Mom so mean and vicious like that.

I stormed in my bedroom to get dressed.

"I mean NOW!" Mom ordered. I shut the door and got dressed.

"Michelle, calm down!" I could hear Dad.

I was wearing short shorts, an orange tank top and flip flops. I had a green crossbody purse and added it. I opened the door to a very angry mother.

"Ashley, I thought you were outside!"

"I was getting dressed to be outside!"

"I expect you outside after you brush that mane of yours,"

"Yes, Mom," I took my braid out and brushed my hair. My hair color is a mix of Mom's, which is much more blonder than mine would ever be, and Dad's, which is all dark.

I walked into the living room.

"Now go outside and have fun!" Mom barked. I opened the door and walked on the sand.

"Ash," I heard a voice, sounded like Luke. I ran closer to his voice. He was hiding behind a bush.

"What are you doing?" I whispered.

"Do you here Mom and Dad fighting?" I leaned up toward the house to hear both parents arguing.

"Luke, it's how parents are now, just go have fun and leave them alone," I lied. Mom came storming outside, then she went back in.

I left the bush and ran. I had thoughts in my mind. Luke and I would be starting school here Monday at Moquelia International Academy.

All of a sudden, I hear a window shatter.

That's when my life changed.

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