Chapter Twelve: The confession

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Your PoV

I walked into French wishing I would melt into the floor. Mr Ackerman was explaining but all I could think about was the fact that I had to tell him about the poster, being bullied, everything.

"Miss L/N!" My Ackerman said sternly staring at me. "Yes sir?" I questioned him. "How do you say this?" , "You mean the shoe shop." , "In French." He rolled his eyes at me.

"Okay then that would be un magasin de chaussures." , "Well done but please pay attention!" He spoke sternly. That was much easier said than done. 

~End of lesson- after school~

I saw everyone leave the classroom including Armin, Mikasa and lastly Eren who was giving me a concerned look, before leaving. I remained sat down so Mr Ackerman would realize that I wasn't leaving.

He looked at me with furrowed brows and a confused look on his face, "why are you still here? You don't owe me detention.", "Well.. I have something that I need to talk to you about... concerning all the problems I've had with the injuries on my face." I trailed off and watched as he grabbed a chair, pulling it over so that he was sat in front of me, "go on."

I gulped a little, fiddling with my fingers before deciding to just go for it. "When I said that I told you all I could remember... I lied. I had an idea on why they were targeting me but I didn't want to tell you because it is a very complicated situation and I do not really understand it fully myself." I spoke. Mr Ackerman had a much softer gaze now as he listened to me, willing me to go on and tell him what I needed to. 

I knew it would be easier if I just showed him, so I looked through my bag and brought out the poster from my bag, gently handing it to him. I waited patiently as he unfolded it and looked at it. I noticed as his eyes seemed to grow icy cold as he looked back at me, slight anger visible. "Explain. Now." He said and I quickly nodded. "I swear I'm not a thief! I had only ever stolen once and that situation resolved itself. It just happened to be that the same day I stole some bread, a Lord's house had been broken in to and both gold and jewels were stolen. This Lord tunnel visioned me, assuming that I had to be the one who did it but I swear it wasn't me! I would never do that. He could never prove it but he was determined to frame me for it." I explained.

He nodded slowly as he patiently listened to my explanation.  "So, let me get this straight... you didn't steal anything of value from that Lord but he had convinced himself that it was you purely because you stole some bread?" He asked. "Yes Sir." I replied and his eyes softened once more, sighing softly. "That still doesn't explain your face." He spoke. "Well you see sir... I think the group found that poster and have been beating me for it. Or they may even work for that Lord..." I trailed off. 

He nodded slowly and hummed. "Right, we'll discuss this further tomorrow, I'll see if I can find out anything and see who is in this group that have been messing with you." He explained and I nodded, standing up. "Thank you sir." I spoke before leaving the room, heading back to the dorm as quickly as I could. 


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