Abominable news

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3rd Persons PoV

"It's Erwin... they found him. He's dead."

Hanji's eyes widened, "w-wait... what? Erwin's dead?! H-he can't be... we were going to get him back, stop I'm from believing whatever Nile was telling him..." Tears built up in their eyes. Rosalie almost instantly hugged Hanji, gently rubbing their back, "I'm so sorry Hanji..." She whispered.

You watched them, biting your lip. "You were going to get him back? What do you mean?" Levi nodded slowly, "Erwin used to be a member of our team, we all used to work together but this guy... Nile, obviously got into his head and made him change sides. That's why he captured you and went after you. He was told too. I don't think he would do this on purpose, not the man I know."

You nodded slowly. "I understand. That Nile was mentioned a few times when I was in that place. It happened whenever Erwin would apologise to us, he didn't do it often but when he did he would whisper something like 'Nile made me do it. He threatened' someone but I could never hear who...." Hanji sobbed quietly, "see Levi?! Nile has to pay now! He's the reason Erwin's dead!"

Rosalie shook her head slowly. "Hanji, we have to talk about this when you have a clear mind. At the moment your mind is filled with anger, pain and sorrow. I agree that Nile must pay but we need to find the right way in which he pays. It needs to be thought about. We can't rush to conclusions. First we have to find Nile. Then we'll find a way to make him suffer. I promise you Hanji, I won't let him get away with this." The brunette nodded and sniffed. "Thank you Ro... I really appreciate it. And I'm glad I still have you and Levi. And now we have these four." They motioned to the four teenagers, "we may have lost one of our family members today, but we have more members of the family. And that makes us dangerous to Nile."

"There was also something else you all should know, and how I am talking to everyone. Nile is evolved with the gang named the titans. I trust that you all have heard of them. These people are after Y/N." Rosalie's eyes widened. "Levi! You can't!",  "Yes I can. They're after Y/N because of something that happened long ago. This battle will be a hard one. So if anyone here, and this includes Y/N wants to go back home and forget any of this ever happened, speak now. It will happen."

Levi looked around and noticed how no one spoke, until Eren piped up. "Well I'm not going anywhere.  I haven't know Y/N long but it feels as if she's like my younger sister. And I have a duty to protect my younger sister." He spoke proudly, crossing his arms. "I agree." Mikasa spoke. "Me too!" Armin exclaimed. "Besides, whose scared of the titans? Everyone had weakspots. You just need to figure out what that weakspots is. And that won't be hard."  He smiled softly.

You nodded slowly. "Armin's right. I still feel as if secrets are being kept from me but I know it's probably to help and protect me. So for now I won't question anything, but there's no way I'm leaving here just to go back to society again. I still want revenge on the person who gave the order to capture me and this Nile deserves to pay. He's made too many people go through pain."

Levi smiled lightly and nodded. "Alright then. We start this plan tomorrow."

A/N- okay I'll update again tomorrow with another two chapter hopefully!!

Song: Thousand Foot Krutch- Be somebody

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