Endless teasing

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A/N- Okay, first, I'm so sorry I've been gone for so many months! School got deadly serious and I haven't had much free time, So i'm updating now. In the middle of exam season. When I'm on half term. I may be able to update again this week, but I can never promise anything! Thank you all for your patience and understanding ♥♥

And a quick recap of what happened (Skip the bold if not needed) : the group found Hanji is their house and have been staying there since, seeing as the unstoppable spy team are back together. Erwin (who kidnapped you, Annie, Bertholdt and Reiner) has been announced as dead, there are theories that it was Nile, member of the Titan gang who was responsible for Erwin's death. You had a flashback of your parents, was Levi someone you could now trust?? Why is the Titan gang after you? Only future chapters can tell

3rd person's PoV

By the time you woke up after the dream of your parents, it only took a few more minutes for you to fall asleep again. It took a few more hours before you woke up once again, no longer laid on the grass. Instead you were laid on a bed, in a room you weren't familiar with. It took a few seconds of you looking around before you sat up lazily on the bed, looking around whilst you rubbed your eyes.

"You're finally awake." A deep voice said from the opposite side of the room. Your gaze jumped over to the figure sat at a desk, looking through some papers.

"Levi? Where am I? What time is it?" You asked, looking at the man with a look of bewilderment, making him chuckle. "I woke up earlier when we were both still on the grass, so I brought you inside with me. You're in my room. I couldn't risk taking you to your room in case Mikasa woke up and questioned why I was there.." He explained, making you nod slowly.

A few seconds later an idea popped into your head and you crossed your arms, pouting. "So it will not look suspicious at all that I have to walk out of your room and explain to Mikasa why I wasn't in the room?!" 

Levi shrugged, smirking. "That's your own problem to deal with, you shouldn't have been such a deep sleeper." He replied and went back to looking through the papers, giving you the opportunity to look around his room. 

His room was extremely clean, everything having its own place and you were pretty sure that if you nudged something even the slightest bit, Levi would try strangling you for making a mess. "I get why you're seen as a clean freak... I feel as though I just shouldn't move just so I won't ruin your perfectly stacked piles..." You trailed off, looking around nervously. 

Levi glanced at you for a few seconds before chuckling. "Don't move then, stay there all day. It's already passed lunch, you missed a great Hanji cooked meal." He said, getting up and heading over to you. "And I tried waking you up, it was a losing battle the second I started trying." He stated and within a few movements you were over Levi's shoulder.

"Yah! Why did you pick me up!?" You exclaimed, moving your legs slightly in protest. "I wouldn't want you messing up my perfectly stacked piles with your clumsy limbs." Was the reply you got and Levi only put you down once you were on the landing. "You should go change before going to the kitchen, Hanji saved you some food." He said before returning to the haven of his spotless room. 

~Time Skip- brought to you by my need to finish watching season two of aot before season three invades my life~

Once you'd sorted yourself out and went down to the kitchen, you relentlessly got teased by all members of the house, seeing as Armin had seen Levi carrying you out of his room. 

"You should feel honored Y/N! You got the golden ticket into Levi Ackerman's bedroom!" Hanji said, grinning wide. "But did all you do was sleep? You were in there for a long time..." Mikasa raised an eyebrow, smirking.

By this point, you wanted to shove your head in the oven just to stop the endless teasing that had been going on for at least an hour. 

"Can you all shut up? I told you, I couldn't sleep so I sat in the grass and Levi joined me. I fell asleep and he then brought me to his room to try and prevent this from happening!" You exclaimed, hiding you face in your hands to hide your bright red cheeks. 

"Hear that Ro? Levi was letting her sleep comfortably in his bed, even though he could have put her on the extremely comfy couch." Hanji stated, making Rosaline laugh. "Come on guys... leave the poor girl alone..." She said, smiling and the others slowly backed away, laughing. 

In that moment, Levi came into the kitchen, watching the scene in front of his, a smirk on his face. "This is all your fault!" You said, pointing at him with a frown. "You've subjected me to this! You and your stupid perfectly stacked piles!" 

"Not my fault you couldn't walk." He shrugged, grabbing an apple. 

Hanji gasped loudly. "THIS PROVES THEY DIDN'T JUST SLEEP!" They screeched.

"LEVI!" You yelled at the man, a shocked expression on everyone's face, except Levi's...

That damn smirk....

A/N- This was a bit of a filler chapter but that's because all the drama is bubbling, getting ready to come out. 

Song: Paper Hearts- Jeon Jungkook (cover)

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