Chapter Ten: Ambush.

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Your PoV

"WAKE UP Y/N!" I heard Eren yell. Lord he can be so loud sometimes, I swear he could make everyone in this house wake up with once word. 

"What Eren?" I questioned, sitting up and letting out a soft groan. "Classes start today! We have to be in Mr Ackerman's class in an hour." He told me. "Okay Eren... thanks for telling me." I said, yawning softly. 

When I looked at the top bunk Mikasa was already changed and packing her bag. " Hey Mikasa!" I said. "Oh hi Y/N." She replied. "Sorry for not waking you up before Eren, I was going to let you sleep for a little longer but he decided to do the job himself." She smiled sheepishly, making me shake my head. "It's fine, I'm pretty sure he woke up the whole house though." I laughed. 

Mikasa smiled softly and hummed, "you should hurry to go brush your teeth before Marco gets in there." She continued. "Why?" I questioned, tilting my head slightly. "If Marco is there then you can guarantee Jean won't be far behind." She answered. "Good point. Thanks Mikasa!" I said.

With that I rushed to the bathroom and finished in there just as Marco was to go in. Then of course Jean was behind him. 

~Time skip- brought to you by Sasha's potatoes~

After sorting everything out we all started to walk out of our dorm. Suddenly I remembered that I forgot my favourite pen on the kitchen counter, even if I might be bored in classes, my  notes should look good. "Hey guys I need to go back and get something." I said. "Oh right. Want us to wait?" Armin asked. "No it's okay I will catch up with you guys in class." I replied. "Okay if your sure." Eren said.

With that they all walked away. I quickly ran back to the dorm and grabbed my pen, putting it in my bag before heading back out of the dorm to head to class.

Authors PoV

Walking quickly to your first lesson, Y/N sighed softly, quietly praying that she wouldn't be late. She really didn't need Ackerman on her ass for being late the first official day of lessons. Suddenly, Y/N felt a touch on her shoulder and before she knew it, she was shoved against the wall, "what the hell?!" Y/N spoke before looking at the three people in front of her, gulping a little. 

"Hello wanted." The only female spoke, moving closer as Y/N felt a needle in her neck before her vision went from blurry to black. 

Your PoV

I slowly started to regain consciousness, letting out a groan as I rested a hand against my forehead. "What the hell happened..." I muttered before checking the time, "shit I'm going to be late!" I yelled and quickly stood up, grabbing my bag and ran to the class as quickly as I could.  

I ran through the door just as a bell rang through the place. 'Thank god I was on time' I thought, heading to my seat and slumping into it with a relieved sigh. "Y/N?" I heard Armin ask. "What is is Armin?" I asked. "What the hell happened to you?!" Eren interrupted with a raised voice. I looked at him with some confusion. "Nothing? I just ran here." I shrugged and suddenly Eren held my shoulders, "Your face says otherwise... what happened?" He asked and I looked at him confused, touching my cheek before wincing. "Ow..." I muttered and leaned back in the chair. 'What the hell happened? One second those three people were in front of me, the next they're gone'. 

A sudden bang was heard as Mr Ackerman slammed the door shut, heading towards the front of the class. "Good morning... glad to see you are all here. On time as well, how lucky." He spoke and adjusted the glasses on his face, looking at everyone before letting out a sigh as he saw me. Maybe he saw whatever the hell happened. 

~Time Skip ~

The bell rang to indicate the end of the class. "Right class dismissed." Mr Ackerman announced. We all got up and started walking out. "Not you L/N!" I stopped and walked back to him. "Right you going to explain to me just what happened hell to you and your face!" He said. "Nothing." I replied.  He leaned a little closer, his eyes darkening, "Do. Not. Lie. To. Me." He spoke in a dangerously low tone before backing up slightly "You don't just wake up with cuts and blood all over your face, not to even mention the black eye." , "I fell sir!" I replied quickly. What was I supposed to say? I had no clue who did this to me.

Mr Ackerman rolled his eyes and grumbled to himself for a second before crossing his arms, "do you seriously expect me to believe that you fell? What kind of fall would do that damage to your face and not any other part of your body?" He questioned before sighing. "I'm giving you one last chance. Tell me what happened to your face." He persisted. 

"It's nothing!" I yelled and stormed out of the room.


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