Secrecy and Lies

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A/N- I owe you all 4 chapters (including this one) because me being the idiot I am, forgot to update every Wednesday. I'm going to try and get all four chapters published today but if I can't, they will be coming before Wednesday (where I will update again). My deepest apologies and I'm trying hard not to forget.

Song: Day6- Colours

3rd Persons PoV

After the talk Levi and Hanji had, Levi headed into the kitchen. He decided to make some food, after he'd cleaned the entire kitchen and thrown away weeks-old food. As he was cooking he was joined by Armin, who continued to glance at Levi with a quizzical look.

"Yes Armin? Can I help you? If not, please stop looking at me like that." Levi spoke in a deep tone, not taking his eyes off the pasta he was cooking. "I'm sorry... I just can't help that think that there are things that you and Hanji are hiding from us." , "Why would you say that?" The raven glanced over at the blonde for a split second, his eyebrow arched. "I saw Hanji crying. I heard you both talking when you were near the end of your conversation and I couldn't help but wonder, what happened to Y/N's parents?" Armin's gaze hit the floor as he felt how Levi's eyes narrowed and darkened.

"They died in a car crash." Levi replied after a few minutes of silence, his gaze going back over to the pasta. "But sir, you said that what happened to them was between 'the organisation and the Titans'. I know about the Titans, they aren't good people. So what do they have to do with Y/N and her past?" The blonde questioned the confidence building up inside of him. "What exactly are you hiding from us?"

"Nothing. And I suggest that if you don't want to be harmed, you'll shut up. Y/N's parents died in a car crash, nothing else. And it should be know to you that because the Titans aren't good people, a spy organisation will obviously be trying to stop them." The raven snapped, not taking his gaze from the pasta cooking on the stove.

All the confidence Armin had faded from him in a flick of a second after hearing Levi. "But sir-", "Drop the subject Armin. It doesn't have anything to do with you and I suggest that it stays that way." Levi spoke more calmly, looking at Armin. "The less you all know the better."

The blonde nodded and walked towards the door, stopping once he'd reached it. "All this secrecy and lies won't help anything, the truth always comes out sir. There isn't anything that any of us can do about it." He spoke before walking away, heading back upstairs.

Levi took a few deep breaths and looked down, sighing softly. "I know that Armin... But she can't know what really happened, she'll misunderstand and blame Hanji for it all even though it's not their fault..." He whispered, shaking his head. "She can't know, not yet at least."

Armin's PoV

It was scary to be on the end of that entire argument, if I can even call it that. It mainly just consisted of Levi snapping at me for asking too much... I guess I understand why after all, there's obviously something that both Hanji and Levi have to keep quiet, though I don't fully understand. What's the point of keeping something from Y/N that she obviously would already know... unless, she doesn't know and she believes that her parents really died in a car crash. I'll have to test that later. Then I'll know a bit more of why Levi was being so secretive.

3rd persons PoV

After half an hour, Levi's voice rang through the house. "If you want food you'd all better hurry up, otherwise I'll have to give it all to Hanji!" A few seconds later, footsteps could be heard rushing down the stairs as Eren, Armin, Mikasa and Y/N appeared into view, sitting down at the old, oak table.

All five of them ate in silence until there was a knock at the door, making Hanji stand up and glance over at Levi, who nodded, and made their way to the door. They opened the door and smiled softly. "Rosalie, I'm so glad you could make it." , "Of course I could make it my dear sibling, anything to help keep Y/N safe." Rosalie replied as Hanji pulled her into a warm hug.

Rosalie's PoV

I drove in my car, heading for Hanji's house after I'd gotten a call a few hours ago from Hanji, telling me that Levi had saved my dearest Y/N and they were staying at my sibling's house for a while, most likely until Titan activity dies down. After all there had been a lot ore attack from the group whilst Y/N had been missing, most likely because they were trying to find her and get her.

I'm just grateful that Levi found her before they did, God knows what they'd have done to her if they'd gotten their filthy hands on her. Not to mention that fact that Erwin had turned against the organisation! Such a stupid man. It wouldn't surprise me if he became a Titan in the near future. After all, we lost Ymir because of it. How long until the Titans get to Annie, Reiner and Bertholdt?!

I just wish those three all the luck in the world, they don't deserve to be captured, they've done so much for me and most importantly, for Y/N. She's the main reason for all the secrecy. She can't find out what really happened to her parents, at least now at the moment. God knows what she'd do and the world isn't safe enough for her to know yet. She can't know until all the Titans are gone, only then will it be the safest for her to know.

I've kept this secret from her for too long to just have the Titans make her remember all that horror again. She doesn't deserve it at all, she didn't ask for this life. So we have to keep her in the dark until the right time, only then will she understand what her parents died for.

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