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A/N- So I've been trying to find motivation to post something new and this song acutally inspired it, so I hope you all like it ^^

Song- Lullaby by Mattia Cupelli

3rd Person's PoV

A woman sat down in front of her little girl, a soft smile spreading across her face. "Sweetie~ We love you so much, we're so grateful to have you light up our lives..." She whispered and stroked the girl's face as she slept. "I know we may be apart from each other, but we'll always love you."

Her soft smiled remained, watching as the girl moved around in her bed. She was admiring the beauty of the girl. "There are so many bad people in this world, people who may try to take you from us, people who may try to hurt you. Don't let them win sweetheart. You're so much stronger then you know..." She trailed off, tearing up. "Don't trust people, unless you feel something with them, a connection. We made that mistake sweetie... There are so many people in this cruel world who will try to break you, tear you down, you cannot let them. You have to stay strong. You can do anything you put your mind to."

The woman slowly stood up, wiping her eyes. "You'll never be alone, not really. We will meet again some day and when that day comes, I'll hold you just as close I have done these couple of years. And I'm sorry we have to be parted so soon, but you're our priority, you're the one we have to protect from them." She sniffed and looked over to the door where he husband stood, a sad gaze on his face as he held their bags.

The woman looked back at her little girl with sadness. "You're aunt Rosalie will help you, as will Hanji, when they find you, they'll protect you just as we are now. And some day, you'll find a person who will sweep you off your feet, someone who will protect you, not matter the costs. That day will be the one that we will know you'll be eternally happy." She smiled and looked down. 

"Our paths will lead across oceans, hills and sands, and this shall bring us together from different lands. And while being human we shall all remain, we can be so much more than just that name, we can be scholars, artists, leaders, explorers and so much more, so even if we don't know what's beyond those doors, we can safely say that none of the doors of our futures are the same. You must remember that our beautiful girl... fate will lead us down the right path and this one- this is out path..." The man spoke, now standing beside his wife as they both watched the small girl.

"You're future will be hard but only then can you be safe. Don't forget how much we love you, how much we wish this could be different. But it can't... this has to be done. So if this truly is our last time together, then please remember all the good times we had. If you ever struggle, look for Hanji... they will show you old photo albums to help you remember."  the mother spoke softly, resting her head on the man's chest.

"We love you...." They both spoke at the same time before leaving the room, leaving the house, leaving the city. 

They didn't want to believe that in that moment, they were really saying goodbye to the girl. They didn't expect to be killed the next day by the Titans. They thought they would have won and been able to go back to their little girl, but they paid the ultimate price, the only thing being left of them was a necklace that  the mother gave to her sister. It contained a picture of all of them, laughing together. It was a beautiful picture that would forever be a memory, after all, the girl wouldn't be able to be with her parents, they were ripped away from her  when she was only young.

As the girl grew up, she lived on the streets, got accused of stealing and was taken in by her Aunt, never receiving the necklace and therefore, never remembering about her parents. Never remembering what they sacrificed for her, never remembering that they protected her. All she knew was that they died, no explanation of how or why.

The only memory she had was a tattoo, it was on her father's neck and her mothers wrist. he sign of the Titan Gang. 

The image was burnt into her brain.

Your PoV

You opened your eyes, your vision was blurry from the tears that had built up in your eyes and that had dropped sadly onto the grass. Sitting up slowly, you looked around, noticing a familiar silhouette laid beside you. Levi.

You and Levi had continued talking for a few hours, talking about nothing in particular but you enjoyed each other's company, eventually falling asleep beside each other of the grass, the grass almost hiding the two of you from the world, when you were laid together it felt as though everything was fine, where it was meant to be. Near Levi, you felt as though nothing could ever harm you, no one would ever try to upset you or break you or even tear you down. Was this the feelings you parents were speaking about?

You glanced over at Levi and bit you lip. You knew you could trust him, you knew that he would never let you down or leave you alone. You'd been alone for most of your life, so it was hard to trust. Yet, you'd managed to trust a large group of people in a small amount of time: Eren, Mikasa, Armin, Annie, Reiner, Bertholdt, Aunt Rosalie, Hanji and Levi. 

You found it hard to take you mind of him, it was as if Levi came into your life by storm and in a such short amount of time, he was trustworthy, you felt a connection with him like you'd never done with anyone else before. Was this dream of your parents a sign? You'd never gotten them before, so they must be a sign... a sign to find out the truth and the find out what these feeling you feel are.

Could Levi really be the person to sweep you off your feet?

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