Hunt them down

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A/N- I am such a bad person.... I'm sorry I haven't been updating. This may be a short chapter but I'm going to try and make the next chapters longer.

You're PoV
He's found out... I have no idea how but Erwin found out what I did. The note. The ring. Everything.

It's only a matter of time until he finds me. Annie told me that he knew and she showed me a secret passageway to a room. I'm trying to stay in this room as long as possible.

He has dogs searching for me though. I'm going to be found... I just want to go home. Back to my Aunt Rose. I never should have gone to Titan High. I knew it was a mistake... I regret ever meeting Erwin Smith.

Erwin's PoV
That brat escaped! I don't know how but she did. As soon as I find her I will kill her. She's caused me a lot of trouble. I have to explain myself now.

Of course I didn't come up with the plan of using kids to get revenge. I mean only a complete idiot would do that. Well that is what the boss is. All this because he couldn't prove who stole from him. It doesn't mean it was Y/N.

He's such an idiot. I actually hope police find the kids. I will happily go to prison.... I do deserve it. But I still don't need that brat running off. She must have found out that I knew about the note.

That's the reason I let her go in by herself. I knew she would leave something. She's a smart kid. So are the others. I may try to help them... As long as none of us get caught that is.

Titan High (LevixReader) (Editing!)Where stories live. Discover now