Erwin's plan

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A/N- Okay it has been forever since I updated but I'm really sorry.

Your PoV

My head is ringing. What's going on? All I remember is walking back to the dorm and collapsing. I slowly dragged my eyes open.

A bright light was shining in my face. "Hello?!" I yelled but something muffled out my yell. whoever did this has put a rope around my mouth. I can't speak.

"So you finally had the guts to tell Levi about that poster." An unfamiliar voice screeched. It was a deep voice. "I thought I told you on the first day if you had any troubles you could come to me for help."

I suddenly remembered.


I walked up to the front desk to see a man with massive eyebrows staring at a computer screen. "Erm... excuse me?" I said quietly. With that the man looked up at me and smiled. "Welcome to Titan High! I'm Erwin... you can come to me for help!"

~End of flashback~

My eyes widened. "Well look who finally figured it out." , "Annie, Bertholdt, Reiner come out and meet your new friend. She will be a slave just like you all are." Then three people walked forward. Reiner had a straight face. Bertholdt had a few tears falling down his face but still had a straight looking frown. Annie however instead of having a smirk she always had, she was crying. Tears couldn't stop falling down her face.

"Annie stop with your crying. Now all of you show Y/N to her bed. I'm sure she is tired.

Bertholdt then came over to me and removed the rope from my mouth and put me over his shoulder. I was about to yell but Bertholdt whispered "Don't yell please Y/N. We will answer everything for you when we reach the room." I did as I was told and stayed silent all the way to a room that was grey and had 4 beds in.

As soon as Bertholdt put me down Annie came in crying with Reiner comforting her.

Once Annie had calmed down they all looked at me telling me to say something. "Okay can someone please tell me what the hell is happening!" I raised my voice slightly.

"Okay Y/N. I will explain. Erwin found all of us on the streets and promised to give us a home and education if we did whatever he asked. We all agreed to this. He told us to beat you up. Leave you unconscious. He also ordered us to knock you out and bring you here after he found out you told Mr Ackerman about the wanted poster." Reiner said while still comforting Annie.

"All you need to really know Y/N is that once you enter here you never get back out. We have tried many times. Also just so you know if you misbehave or say no Erwin will punish you." Annie looked at me and frowned. "Annie, what do you mean by punished?" I could feel a bad sense spreading throughout the room.

"Well it varies from beating us up to, you know."

Somehow that's what I feared Annie meant. " So if I mess up Erwin could possibly do that!" , "Sadly yes Y/N if any of us mess up. We are like little toys for Erwin but we have to deal with it."

'Mikasa, Eren, Armin, Mr Ackerman please if you can hear me help! It's all Erwin. I'm his new toy. Please help me. Help all of us. Or at least give me a sign that you are looking for me.'

I prayed in my head even if it didn't work...

Titan High (LevixReader) (Editing!)Where stories live. Discover now