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3rd Persons PoV

Hanji opened the door and smiled softly. "Rosalie, I'm so glad you could make it." , "Of course I could make it my dear sibling, anything to keep Y/N safe." Rosalie replied as Hanji pulled her into a warm hug. "I'm still grateful, I don't think I could do all of this alone. I know that I have Levi and he's great but you understand the resemblance between Y/N and her mother better." Rosalie nodded and gently rubbed her back, "I do know, and you need to remember that this wasn't your fault. None of it was."

Hanji moved aside and let Rosalie inside, nodding slowly. "I know." They whispered as Rosalie pulled off her shoes and placed them neatly near the door, smiling sweetly at Hanji. "Good, now where's Y/N?" The brunette lead Rosalie to the table where everyone was still in silence, eating.

"Well aren't you all the life of the party!" She exclaimed, piercing through the silence and caught everyone's attention. "Aunt Rosalie?" Y/N asked quietly, looking up at her aunt curiously. "Y/N dear! It's so lovely to see you! I'm so glad you're safe!" She grinned before noticing your curious gaze. "Hm... it seems you've been watching Levi too much, you're cautious around everyone it seems."

Her gaze changed from looking at you to looking at Levi, crossing her arms. "It's nice to see you too Rosalie." Levi replied sarcastically and rolled his eyes, making Rosalie laugh. "Still as lovely as last time we met I see. I trust the situation we talked about has been sorted?" She questioned. "Of course it has, who the hell do you think I am, Hanji?" He retorted. "Hey! That's not nice, I deal with things quickly as well you know!" Hanji whined, pouting.

Rosalie rolled her eyes and looked back over at you. "So, I trust you have been safe here? Nothing bad has happened correct?" She asked, which you replied with a nod. "Since Erwin, nothing has happened but I want to know what's going to be done to help Annie, Reiner and Bertholdt. They aren't safe there just as I wasn't. So I want to know wh-" , "It's already being sorted." Levi cut in, "There's already a team tracking down the hideout with the map you made for us and will be going to rescue them as soon as they can." You nodded, "good."

Rosalie smiled sweetly and looked at the other three teenagers. "Now that that's sorted, who are these darlings? Are they friends of yours Y/N?" Mikasa nodded and replied before you could. "We are... we went with Levi to go and get her. I'm Mikasa, this is my brother Armin and our best friend Armin." She spoke softly, "it's nice to meet you Miss." , "ah, please don't do the formalities with me, just call me Rosalie! And it's lovely to meet you all too."

You suddenly cut in, "wait... Aunt Rosalie, how do you already know Levi? Do you know Hanji too?" Rosalie quickly nodded. "I used to work with both of them, more Hanji then Levi because of how young he is but yes, I have worked with them both.", "Doesn't that mean that you're a spy too?" Rosalie chuckled, "why of course it does."

Your PoV

I remained silent after I got my answer, it was almost as if I didn't know anything about the world anymore. Mr Ackerman magically became a young man that promised that he wouldn't let me be alone, my aunt appears from no where and she's a spy. Can anything else happen?!

Levi is hiding something from me and I need to know what. I bet it's got something to do with why Aunt Rosalie is here, and who is Hanji? Why was Levi so cautious before he saw them? Why did he say that they could cause us harm and then bring us into their house?! And why the hell are all of my questions unanswered?! I think I at least deserve some kind of answers about what's going on.

3rd Persons PoV

Everyone was deep in conversation, besides Y/N who was too busy thinking until Levi's phone rang. He got up and went into a different room to answer it and came back a few minutes later, his facial expression somewhat saddened.

"Levi? What's wrong? Has something happened?" Hanji asked softly, biting their lip. "When some spies were sent to get Annie, Reiner and Bertholt back, they arrived but no one was there. They had all been moved. But they did find something...." Levi replied quietly. "What did they find?" Rosalie questioned.

"It's Erwin... they found him. He's dead."

A/N- I'm updating more chapters tonight because I still owe those chapters. Also, I'm sorry that Erwin's dead. I needed it for the progression of the story because it's actually going to get somewhere. Thank you all for continuing to read this fanfiction! I really appreciate it!

Song: Got7- Never Ever

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