Respecting elders

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A/N- Guess who is finally back after an age! Let's all be honest, I haven't updated because I'm lazy. But I've suddenly been inspired again so that is good. I'm hoping to start updating more but we all know how many times I have said that -.- Just know I'll try to update more often. I'm sorry this will be so short, I'll start to try and make chapters longer ^-^

Song: Saturn- Sleeping At Last

3rd Person's PoV

Once the seven had finished talking about the entire situation with Nile, they all dispersed into their own rooms, Rosalie going to share a room with Hanji. 

It was just past midnight, the half moon shining brightly in the sky, dancing with the array of stars arranged in some type of order around the moon. The moon shone brightly, lighting up the various trees, grass and fields that surrounded the house. Everything was completely at peace. Everyone was asleep, well not exactly everyone. Y/N was too busy staring up at the sky to even notice the distant snores and movement of anything around her, of course that was until the moon's light seemed to get even more brighter. She stood up and tore her eyes away from the sky, creeping out of the room and quickly down the stairs to try to get some fresh air and watch the stars some more.

Once Y/N got out into the field directly in front of the house, she laid down, her H/C hair spreading out across the different blades of grass. Everything remained peaceful and got somewhat more peaceful then it was inside the house. Her gaze was glued on the moon and stars surrounding it  as her mind wondered to other things. 


Something about him intrigued her, the fact that he was in reality much more mysterious then she first assumed, then anyone first assumed. The way he acted, the way his words made everyone feel at ease. The way it felt when he attempted to her Y/N herself down. It all felt nice, like he was a piece of the puzzle that made everything make sense. He was the missing piece to her puzzle, the piece that would help her understand the truth behind her past, why her parents died. And more importantly, why the titans were after her.

Levi's PoV

I couldn't sleep, well I can never sleep so it wasn't a surprise that tonight was any different. Though it seems I wasn't the only one who couldn't sleep, seeing as i noticed Y/N sneak out of the house and go the the field. Of course I had to watch her, make sure she wasn't kidnapped by any gangs, more specifically any of the Titan gang.

So of course I had to go outside and check on her, so I did, walking long the path and I silently sat down beside her on the field. I noticed how she hadn't noticed I was there so I decided to make her see me. I put my hands either side of Y/N's head and moved so I was looking eye-to-eye with her, which I noticed probably scared her because I appeared from nowhere.

"You know it's rude to ignore someone when they're sat with you." I spoke bluntly, making her squeak out an apology. Cute.

Wait... cute? Why did I even think that... she's a student... well I mean technically but I'm not really a teacher so I can't be breaking any rules. Right?

I was snapped out of my thoughts when a hand waved in front of my face, making me focus my eyes back on Y/N's beautiful E/C eyes.  Wait... beautiful. Whatever...

"And you say I'm rude? You've just done exactly the same thing as me." Y/N spoke, pouting. "Well yes, but I'm older so it doesn't count for me. You should respect your elders." I replied, making her snort, "Levi. You're a year older then me, that doesn't even make you respectable adult age." She giggled. "Shut up Y/N.  I'm still older. I should have just made out I was still 30, you would have respected me then." I sighed softly, shaking my head. "No, you would still be treated like this, even though you would be closer to being a grandpa~" She teased.

This girl, she'll be the death of me.

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