Meet Hanji

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A/N- Okay, it's official. I'm setting an update day so it won't take me a million years to finish this. So I'm going to start updating at least once a week and the day I've set is Wednesday. So, that means, if I can, I'll update again tomorrow. Okay, there we are, that's the plan... so I'll just let you go and read this chapter now...

3rd Persons PoV

After Levi promised Y/N that he wasn't hiding anything from her, a total lie it was, they both headed into Hanji's house after Eren, Armin and Mikasa. Of course Hanji was back to normal, being their usual excited self. "Okay, so I have three spare rooms! That means that one for the boys, another for the girls and the last one for Levi because I know how much of a clean freak he is!" They exaggerated, looking at Levi with narrowed eyes, which made Mikasa and Y/N giggle at the memory of the first dorm inspection.

Hanji continued to show the teens around the house, excluding Levi who had walked off half way through the tour after Hanji insulted his height. They stopped on the last room with five doors on. "This is the floor where we all sleep. That room in the far corner is Levi's, the one beside that is the girls room, then the boys and finally mine. Though if you want my advice, I'd stop yourself if you were thinking of looking in mine or Levi's room. My room is pretty much a mess and if you went into Levi's, he'd know. It's honestly like he has a radar to tell him if someone has even thought about stepping foot in his room." They chuckled, shaking their head. "Anyway, I'll leave you all to get settled in, Levi told me that you'd be staying here for a while so just make yourselves at home, anything that is mine is yours and all of that. Oh, an the last room is a bathroom, any of you four an use it when you wish." They smiled before walking off back down the stairs.

The group split and went into their provided room, Mikasa going into the room first, followed by you. You couldn't help but smile when you looked around the room, it was simple with it's pale blue walls; two separate, new-looking beds; plain, wooden wardrobe; a small desk with some pieces of paper and pens scattered across it and the body length mirror opposite the wardrobe. Simple, yet perfect all at the same time. Then you looked over at the window, noticing how it had a large windowsill and had pillows and a smaller mattress on, so it would be comfortable if anyone fell asleep there.

Mikasa headed over to one bed and sat on it, rubbing her neck and opened her bag. "I brought some of your clothes too Y/N, I didn't know what clothes you would want to wear, so I brought quite a bit. It's a good job really, since we'll be staying here for a bit." You nodded and smiled softly at her, "thank you Mikasa, I really appreciate that you were thinking of me." You sat down on the other bed, staring at the floor, lost in thought.

After a couple of seconds, a hand in your face pulled you away from your thought's. You looked up to see Mikasa. "You okay?" She asked softly, sitting beside you. "Yeah, I'm fine. I was just over-thinking something," you replied, shaking your head. "Want to talk about it?" She raise an eyebrow, "Sometimes talking to someone helps." You smiled softly and nodded.

"Well... What I'm worried about is that Levi is lying to me, to us. I made him promise me that he wasn't hiding anything from us and he did, but it seemed as if he was just doing it to stop me asking questions..." You sighed softly, "I'm over-thinking it right?" You tilted you head. "Well, you may be. But just remember Y/N if it ends up that Levi is hiding something from us, it's probably to protect us. After all, that's all he's been to up, made sure we never got into danger. He's kept us safe, so if he is hiding something from us I wouldn't be too mad because he's done it for a reason." Mikasa reassured you, gently rubbing your back. "Just don't worry about it, okay?" You nodded in agreement, resulting in Mikasa getting up and unpacking her bag, putting things away.

Levi's PoV

I headed to Hanji, sighing in annoyance as I noticed that they weren't doing anything. "What do you think you're doing shitty glasses?" They turned to look at me and frowned, "Y/N looks so much like her mother... it's hard to look at her, after everything that happened. I feel like all of this is my fault..." They whispered, looking down. I sighed softly and sat down beside them. "Hanji, it wasn't your fault that any of this happened. Rosalie doesn't blame you and she  saw everything go down. Your sister doesn't blame you for what happened to Y/N's parents and you shouldn't blame yourself either. Rosalie even said, it was between the organisation and the Titans. What happened to them, had nothing to do with you." I replied and Hanji quickly hugged me, resulting in me gently patting their back.

"You did what you had to do to save Y/N. They know that Hanji."

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