Chapter Four: New Roommate.

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Your PoV

"This is a nice place." I said as we all walked into our dorm. "I suggest we all sit down and introduce ourselves to each other. Seeing as we'll be spending a lot of time together." Armin suggested, everyone agreeing.

We all made our way to the closest set of seats. They were set out in a circle with a coffee table in the middle. I sat next to Eren and this girl who was eating a potato.

"Okay I will start." Eren said. "I'm Eren Jaeger and I live with my Mom, Dad and Mikasa." Next Armin went "I'm Armin Arlert and my parents died when I was younger so I live with my Grandpa." He explained as everyone listened. 

After there was this boy called Jean Kirschtein. Followed by Marco Bodt, then there was this girl who never showed the slightest emotion. She cleared her throat and looked around at first and then spoke. "I'm Mikasa Ackerman, my parents were murdered when I was young and Eren's father found me. The Jaeger's accepted me into their family and now I live with them." She spoke and leaned back in her chair. Mikasa was then followed by a boy called Connie Springer and then the girl sat next to me, Sasha Braus.

Then it was my turn, I slowly sat forward and rubbed my neck, a little nervous. I then slowly looked at my new classmates and opened my mouth to speak. "So, hello... I'm Y/N L/N, I never knew my parents, some said they died, others say they ran away. Anyway in January this year I moved here and I live with my Aunt."

"Well now that we have all met each other we should all partner up with a roommate." Armin said. 'Man that boy is straight to the point. I suppose that's a good thing.'

I witnessed everyone partner up. Then there was a tap on my shoulder . I looked up to see Mikasa looking at me. "Want to share a room?" She asked. "Sure." I replied.

That meant Connie and Sasha had their own rooms but Jean kept teasing them. "Hey why don't you two share? But behave!" he said. "SHUT IT HORSE FACE!" Connie yelled, gaining some laughs from the insult. Then, Sasha stepped forward and smirked at Jean. "I think we should be the ones telling you to behave. Aren't you sharing with Marco?" She questioned and raised an eyebrow, causing Jean to blush and quickly head off to his room to unpack.

Horseface was a pretty good comeback. Maybe that would be Jean's new nickname.  Afterall, having spent some time looking at Jean, I can concur that he does indeed look like a horse.

With that me and Mikasa walked and found a room for us to share. It had bunk beds, two desks next to each other and two wardrobes next to one another.

"Can I have top bunk?" Mikasa said. I looked at her and replied "Sure I don't like top bunks anyway.", "How come?" She questioned.


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