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"you sure took your sweet time." sinb complained and rolled her eyes as she pulled out of her driveway. "it was only five minutes." eunha replied, putting on lip gloss in the small mirror above the windshield. "yeah, i said five but i meant less than." sinb sneered. eunha rolled her eyes and looked at yerin through the mirror. "oh, hey, junior." eunha said, turning in her seat to face yerin. sinb furrowed her eyebrows at the nickname as only one person called her that. "where'd you hear that?" sinb asked before yerin could reply. eunha pursed her lips and started looking around. "uh, one of my friends hangs around sowon unnie so i picked it up from them." eunha said, smiling awkwardly.

sinb stopped the car at a red light and looked at eunha with a glare. "how'd you know sowon calls her that?" sinb asked, raising an eyebrow. eunha started chewing on her bottom lip nervously. "um, we have the same homeroom and i heard her talking about yerin last week." eunha said, forcing herself to smile. sinb knew between the slip up with jungkook and the one with eunha, there was obviously something going on. "stay away from her." was all sinb said before going silent and listening to yerin's directions to get to her house. ten minutes later, they pulled up to yerin's house and parked the car in front.

"can you just stay here, please?" yerin asked in a small voice, practically giving eunha and sinb puppy eyes, so they stayed in the car as yerin got out. yerin silently hoped that her father was either sleeping or not home. yerin grabbed her house key from her pocket and unlocked the door, trying to quietly open it. eunha and sinb thought it was weird that she was sneaking into her own house but they didn't think anything of it because they knew they'd do the same if they stayed out all night without permission. yerin stuck her head in to see if the house was empty and from what she could see it was so she went inside.

yerin quickly changed into something school appropriate and changed her shoes before locking her door back and rushing to the car. "hm, that was quick. no one home?" sinb asked as she changed the gear and drove off. yerin shook her head as she played with the seatbelt strap. "well, off to school then." sinb said, driving to school. sinb parked in her spot and hopped out of her car. "you ready?" sinb asked, leaning her head in the window to talk to yerin. but it was a little close for yerin. a lump got caught in yerin's throat and she nodded nervously. "then come on, rinnie rin, i have to be to class early." sinb said, opening the door for yerin.

yerin gave a small thank you as she got out of the car, making sure to grab her book bag. "i'm not going in right now, so i'll see you at football practice!" eunha shouted to her cousin as they went into school. "alright, you better be to class on time or i'll have the cheerleaders jump you!" sinb called back as a joke, laughing. "oh, please. eunseo wouldn't do that for you. not after that gruesome breakup!" eunha called back before sinb and yerin disappeared into the school.

sinb snickered to herself. "are sinb and yerin together or something?" one student asked their friend as yerin and sinb entered school together. "the football captain and the loser? as if." the friend replied, pulling out their phone to spread rumors. soon, people started crowding the duo. yerin closely trailed behind sinb, getting anxious from all the people and noise. sinb peeked at yerin and noticed she was uncomfortable.

"would you all fuck off?" sinb sneered, grabbing yerin by her wrist and pulling her closer. yerin's cheeks completely flushed when her face met sinb's chest. on sinb's demand, the crowd of people dispersed in a matter of seconds. "sorry about that. i'll walk you to class." sinb said, giving yerin a smile and letting go of her wrist. but yerin was frozen against sinb's chest. "you good, ducky?" sinb asked, tapping yerin's shoulder. "i'm fine." yerin said as she forced herself off of sinb. sinb nodded and started walking in the direction of yerin's classroom while yerin was suppressing a smile as she waddled after sinb.

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