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"damn, i was only gone two days but somehow this place managed to get even more dull than last week." sinb chuckled out as the students in the hall clapped for her return. "well, if it isn't team cap!" jungkook exclaimed, jogging up to sinb and bro hugging her. "captain b!" moonbin shouted, pulling sinb into a hug. "shit was lame without me, huh?" sinb asked, laughing as they walked to class together. "for real. us and the team we're playing next week did a practice game and we got thrashed. thirty one to fourteen." moonbin said, sighing and patting sinb's shoulder. "holy shit. what is wrong with you guys? you don't need me there to babysit, do you?" sinb asked, shaking her head. "no, we just had a rough run. but since you're back, we'll be good." jungkook said, grinning at his team captain.

as the football team walked past the drama theatre, sinb saw yerin on the floor like a dog, her clothes covered in dirt and filth from the floor, while the drama kids stood around her and laughed. "isn't that- oh, shit." jungkook and moonbin said in unison as sinb marched into the drama theatre. "get off of the fucking floor, now." sinb ordered with a scowl. yerin looked up and a small smile spread across her face. "you're back." yerin whispered, as tears ran down her face. "sl-stop with the crying bullshit and get over here." sinb fumbled over her words when she saw yerin's tears.

yerin nodded and got to her feet, scurrying over to sinb and hiding behind her. "piss off, prince charming. i was just keeping her company during your suspension for nearly beating your ex's best friend to death." eunwoo said, leaning forward in his seat and pressing the tips of his fingers together. "how the fuck do you even know about that? don't tell me that loud mouthed bitch got ahold of eunseo." sinb groaned out, rolling her eyes. "momo? yeah, i saw her and eunseo talking after school on friday. and the things i heard about you, hwang eunbi." eunwoo said with a devious grin.

"i couldn't give less of a fuck. most of what you heard were probably lies, anyway. but let's get one thing clear. yerin is mine, not yours. and i hate sharing my toys. so if i see you or any of your nasty drama rats anywhere near her, i'll be coming for you directly, lee dongmin." sinb growled, emphasizing eunwoo's birth name, that no one was supposed to know. the entirety of the drama kids and even people passing all stopped and stared in awe at the fuming sinb. eunwoo cleared his throat, making everyone do their own thing again. "um, we h-have class start-ing in f-five minutes. m-maybe you should l-leave." eunwoo stuttered violently, his face burning with pure embarrassment after getting talked to like that in his own territory.

"don't worry, i was already on my way out. and, uh, might wanna work on that stutter if you want to be an actor." sinb sneered before leaving with yerin's hand clutched tightly in her own. "you okay, yerin?" sinb asked, raking her fingers through yerin's oily hair to get a better look at her face. despite the overwhelming feelings of embarrassment eunwoo caused for her and the aching feeling in her palms and knees, yerin nodded because she was okay the moment she heard sinb's voice. a student heard the two of them talking and made a big deal about it, causing a crowd to start coming their way. "you're kidding me." sinb said under her breath, dragging yerin into the closest room to hide. sinb accidentally pushed yerin against the door once it closed, making her whimper in pain.

sinb quickly jumped back at the sound. "fuck, i'm sorry. are the bruises still there?" sinb asked, feeling guilt when she heard her own words. yerin couldn't answer that. if she said yes, she'd make sinb feel bad but if she said no, sinb would get upset over it. "can... would you mind if i took a look?" sinb asked, taking a step towards yerin and grabbing the bottom of her shirt. yerin felt a lump in her throat, preventing her from saying anything. sinb pulled up yerin's shirt and saw the collage of bruises and welts, new and old. sinb's breath hitched when she saw how many marks there were and that was just her stomach area. "this... wasn't me, was it?" sinb breathed out, running her thumb lightly over one of the larger bruises. yerin flinched and bit her lip to quiet her cries as tears spilled down her face.

"yerin, who did this?" sinb asked, pulling her eyes from the bruises to yerin's face that was dressed with fresh tears.

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