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"she fainted in the hallway." sinb said, leaning against the wall and looking at the unconscious yerin as the nursed checked her vitals and all that. "she doesn't seem to be eating regularly. and she's terribly bruised as well. would you happen to know anything about that?" the nurse asked, spreading some ointment on yerin's most recent bruise. sinb raised an eyebrow and tilted her head. "she hasn't been eating?" sinb asked, ignoring the second part of the question. "by the looks of it, she's been without eating for at least four days. she needs food now or she's going to get worse." the nurse said.

"yes, ma'am. just give me five minutes and i'll be back." sinb said and bowed to the nurse before running out of the room. sinb was running down the hall to the cafeteria but was stopped by the student body president. "eunbi, you know you're not supposed to run in the hallway." the president━umji━said, flipping her hair and crossing her arms. sinb rolled her eyes. "i don't have time for this. i need to get to the cafeteria." sinb said urgently, heaving a sigh. "there's never a reason for running in the hallway." umji said. sinb rolled her eyes and ran past umji, straight to the cafeteria. "just give me whatever you have right now. this is important." sinb said, leaning against the lunch ladies' counter.

"ah, yes! the nurse just called and let me know you were coming. take this for that sweet little yerin." the lunch lady said and held out a brown paper bag. sinb bowed to the lunch lady and took the bag before dashing through the hallway. when she got back to the infirmary, she gave the bag to the nurse and went back to leaning against the wall and watching the nurse tend to the weak and pale yerin. "do you know what happened, sweetheart?" the nurse asked as she helped yerin sit up enough to feed her. yerin looked around the room as she tried to remember what happened or where she was but when she saw sinb leaning against the wall, she jumped out of fear. the nurse looked at sinb as well and realized that yerin was afraid of her.

"miss hwang, i'm going to need you to leave." the nurse said calmly. sinb looked at yerin and smirked before leaving the room. "yerin... does she hit you?" the nurse asked softly. yerin flinched and looked down at her bruised torso, shaking her head rapidly. the nurse grabbed the sandwich off of the small table to her right and handed it to yerin. "hey, calm down, sweetie. it's okay. you don't have to tell me but you should at least eat this." the nurse said sympathetically. yerin took a deep breath and took the sandwich from the nurse. "thank you." she mumbled, taking a bite of the sandwich. "no problem, sweetie. if you're ever hungry, go to the cafeteria and eat, okay?" the nurse said and pat yerin's back.

yerin nodded as she continued eating her sandwich. "i-i need to get to class... thank you for the food." yerin mumbled and bowed to the nurse after she managed to stand up from the bed. the nurse sighed and grabbed a slip of paper. she wrote down something and folded it in half. "give that to your teacher. so they know where you were." the nurse said and gave yerin the piece of paper. yerin nodded and put the piece of paper in her pocket. "i'd like to see you again tomorrow. you're not in trouble, i just want to see you if that's alright. oh! and here's your eye patch." the nurse said, grabbing yerin's eye patch and giving it to the girl. yerin put it on and grabbed her bag from the table, quickly leaving the infirmary and bursting into tears as soon as the door shut.

yerin was scared and didn't want anyone to get in trouble. she let her tears spill silently as she walked to class. she was walking with her head down so she didn't see the person she bumped into. "watch where the fuck you're going." a drama student━eunwoo━growled, causing yerin to jump in shock.

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