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sowon showed up ten minutes later and knew exactly why sinb was drinking the way she was. "sinb, come on. you drank too much." sowon said, grabbing sinb's arm to help her to her car. "sowon! heyyy! when'd you get here?" sinb asked, barely speaking coherently. sowon sighed and walked sinb to her car and let her lay in the back seat. "sinb, are you going to be okay?" sowon asked though sinb was probably too drunk to understand what she was talking about. but sinb had fallen asleep as soon as she hit the seat. sowon knocked at sinb's door and shook her head when eunha opened the door.

"eunha... she's gonna be so sad when she wakes up sober." sowon muttered sympathetically, hugging eunha tightly. "yerin was such a nice girl... why would they do that to her?" eunha asked as they went to get sinb. sowon looked at sinb then back at eunha. "but sinb wasn't so nice. and they were always together so maybe..." eunha caught on and her eyes widened. "so you're saying-" "yeah..." sowon and eunha dragged sinb inside and laid her in her bed that did indeed smell like yerin. sinb started breathing shakily and rapidly and tears fell from her closed eyed as she curled up on her bed. even in her sleep, she could sense yerin's smell.

"my life is waiting for you... her smiling at me in the mirror." sinb mumbled, sowon and eunha looking at her pitifully. "i can't believe she's gone. we were just riding to school together." eunha said, holding sowon's hand tightly and trying not to cry. "yeah... she was so nice to everyone and she always got the short end of the stick. i really hope they catch the people who did this." sowon muttered. sinb knew exactly who did it but would she let authority take care of it or would she take matters into her own hands?

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