Chapter 1

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On June 1st, 2025 at 8:00 am
Today is Saturday and finally, I have done my medical university freshmen year at Harvard and now summer break comes. I will go to the park today for a long time that I didn't go. After 30 minutes, I parked near the park. I leave my car and enter the park. Usually, I will go with my friend but today I want to go alone. Before I go, my butler told me one thing that he always does.

"You better come home before 7:00 pm and be safe," he said.

"Yes sir, I will, don't worry," I grinned as I am leaving the house.

I walk down the hill to see the waterfall, Bash Bish Falls. This waterfall is so beautiful, it is like the art of nature in Massachusetts. As I walked near the waterfall, I saw a picture of a woman and it seemed like a Chinese woman. "Why is this picture here? I should give it to the museum of Havard to consult about it." I said it to myself as the picture started moving and the light came up, I don't know what happened at that time. I heard a voice from that picture which made me throw the picture beside the walk side.

"Now this is the time you should know your past, come. Or you have to leave now with no question or you will go." The woman in the picture said as I looked at the picture "how can the face be so similar to me." I think.

"Go where?" Suddenly I entered the picture, I looked around, I saw nothing, dark with empty, and thought to myself, "Is it travel time? Am I going to the past?" the light goes up again and now it is so bright that I have to take my hand above my eyes so I can see.

"Ahh, my body" I hit something. I don't know where I am now. I see myself laying on the bed and the servant asks me.

"Princess you wake up, you've been unconscious for three months-" I cut her off before she said "What century is this? Where am I now?" I ask the servant in a confused voice.

"Oh, my princess, you forget everything? This is 590 BC. You are the princess of the Zhu dynasty. And you live in a royal palace. ''She replies to me with a shock on her face.

"What happens to me? Why have I been unconscious for 3 months?" I ask her.

"I will go call the royal doctor for your princess since you just woke up. I am Líng and I'm your servant. I have been with you from your childhood to now. Alright, my pleasure I will go call the doctor for you. " she talks about her to me, after that she leaves.

"What is happening here? Am I going to the past? I am a princess? OMG 590 BC? Probably the picture brings me to the past. " I said it to myself as I stood up and went to get some water.

After 10 minutes, the doctor comes back with a bunch of stuff. "Princess, you feel good? Do you feel any pain?" he asks me.

"No, nothing happens to me," I reply.

"I can't believe it, this is my 40 years of working on medicine. How can this situation happen? You have been unconscious for 3 months and nothing happens to your health. Hmm, I will give you some vitamin medicine so it will help you get better." the doctor said to me.

"Fine,-" there is one voice coming and saying, "The king and queen come in.".

"OMG, now the king and the queen come. Is the queen, my real mom?-" The queen cuts my thoughts off. "Xin, are you okay, I'm so worried for you.-" I cut her off.

"Who are you? Are you my mom?" I ask with a confused face and the king catches what happens to my face, he asks the doctor.

"Has she lost her memory?" the king asked as the queen was crying a lot in front of me.

"Yes, my lord she's forgotten everything, probably the damage of the head from falling the mountain to the river made her lose her memories," he said in a respectful voice.

"How can I cure that?" the king asks in a serious voice also with a worried face.

"It can be 3 days, 3 months, 1 year, or even never remember again. But I will try my best to help her remember and get her memories back, my lord." He said that with a face go down.

"Alright, everyone leaves the room, leaves the princess to take a rest." Everybody listens to him as I close my eyes and try to sleep, and avoid the question from everyone.

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