Chapter 10

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I came back to the living room and saw everyone was waiting for me to eat even Nan Nan.  "I'm sorry for making you wait," I said as I grabbed Hyne's hand and pointed to the seat next to Yuan.
    "Miao Xin, who is this?" Nan Nan asks.
    "She is Du Lan, the one who helps me when Jiao tries to kill me," I said.
    "Oh," He said.
    "Miao Xin, who is that?" I look at her and forget to introduce everyone to her.
    "The one sit next to you is 4th princess Yuan Chen, next is 2nd princess Gui Feng, Mei Ling, Mei Yan, and Nan Nan," I said and everyone smiled at her.
    "His eyes and lips look like Kim Nam Joon doesn't he," Hyne said.
    "No, Kim Nam Joon is the 4th prince of Jin kingdom.  This is Nan Nan who saves me.  He's just a normal guy." I said to her in a low voice.
    "Alright let's eat now. -''Someone cut me off and Zhang Li.
    "You are still thinking about food after someone killed you the last two days?" Zhang Li said.
    "If you cannot say something nice when you see me, then don't have to meet me," I said in an attitude voice.
    "Hehe sorry, I didn't mean too," he said.
    "This is Zhang Li the second son of chancellor." I will introduce everyone.
    "Hi." all said at the same time.
    "Don't let him disturb us.  Start to eat guys.  If you want to eat then you may sit." I said and started eating.
    "Thanks for the food.  Probably you guys are Mei Yan and Mei Ling." I see they nod when he says.
    After we eat everyone comes back to their room, I don't want to come to my room I walk around the garden and sing.
    "You ask how deeply I love you, and just how great my love is.  My affection is real, and my love is true.  The moon represents my heart.  You ask how deeply I love you, and just how great my love is.  My affection does not waver and my love doesn't change.  The moon represents my heart.  So soft was the kiss that has moved my heart.  Such a deep affection makes me long for you now.  You ask how deeply I love you, and just how great my love is.  Consider this, and look above.  The moon represents my heart.  Consider this, and look above.  The moon represents my heart." I don't know why I sing that song but it's a nice song. 
     One person came from the back to me and said: "Miao Xin, you sing so good I like your voice."
    "Nan Nan, you don't sleep?" I ask him.  "You sing so well how can I sleep and also I'm not feeling sleepy.  Do you wanna talk to me?" He asks permission from me.  "Sure, since I'm not feeling sleepy too," I replied.  "What will you do tomorrow?" he asks me.
    "Probably I have to go visit Huang Guifei," I said.
    "Then I cannot go with you, cause its royal palace," he said with a sad voice.
    "I know, I'm sorry about that," I said.
    "It's fine," he said and I lean my head to his shoulder and suddenly sleep.

    "You know I love you, not because of your beauty, it's because of your character.  You are so different before but still inside you your kindness is still there that makes me love you more.  Even if you are a future person, people come here or princess Miao Xin. I still love you, Miao Xin." I look at her but she already sleeps.  How ironic it is I'm talking to myself.   Now I have to bring you back to your room before someone catches you and me be like this it's not good for you.  I take her back to her room, and let her in the bed cover her with a blanket.  Then I go back to my room and see Jin Chuang be there.   "How are you and Miao Xin? Good, bad, or normal?-" I cut him off.
    "Why come here?" I ask.
    "Jiao already at Jin kingdom be careful," Chuang said cause he sees Jiao at the Jin Kingdom in the morning.
    "Alright.  Tomorrow Miao Xin will come to visit Huang Guifei. I will be there, make sure the guard protects the royal palace well." I said as I went to bed.  "I'm going to sleep now, I have been tired all day.".  "Fine, my brother prince.  I leave now." Chuang leaves the room after I close my eyes.           


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