Chapter 8

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"Finally we are at Jin kingdom, our home back again." Mei Ling said.
    "Come, come to my house." Mei YAn said as one voice grabbed attention from us.
    "Miao Xin.  You are here." Chuang said as he looked at Nan Nan but I don't know why he was about to say something then did not say anything else. 
    "Chuang you know her?" Mei Ling asks.
    "Of course, I know her.  With a beautiful flower and a smart brain like her.  How can I don't know." he grins.
    "Stop joking," Mei Ling said.
    "I'm not joking, look at you.  Fat like a dumpling," he said and ran.
    "How dare you, you better not stop running." Mei Ling said.
    "Hey, Mei Yan what happens to you?" I looked at Mei Yan and saw she wasn't happy when she saw Jin Chuang.
    "Nothing, I just don't like him," Mei Yan said.
    "Why?" I ask.
    "It's just that I don't like him." Mei Yan said as she walked past me and came to her house.
    The Zhong house is so big as a syndic house.  It has a big garden where the guest will see after entering the door.  Now, I remember that I have watched many Chinese dramas. It also shows that some rich families will have a big house, a big room, and a big garden.  If said that it is bigger than any other house then that is true but it is just like one-third of the royal palace.  I saw Mei Yan and Mei Ling's father, he was talking with one prince of Jin Kingdom. 
"Father, I will-" Mei Ling father cutoffs.  "Don't you see who sits here?  Be respectful of the prince." Mei Ling's father said. 
After he said that, he stood up and looked at me.  "Who are you? Why are you at my house?".  "Father, this is Miao Xin, the-" he cuts her off again.  "I'm not asking you.".
"I'm sorry for not introducing myself first, I'm Miao Xin, the third princess of Zhu kingdom.  This is my 2nd princess, Gui Feng, and this is my 4th princess, Yuan Chen." I said. 
"Ooo, I'm so sorry princess.  I apologize for that.  I'm Zhang Meng.  Please, my respects, my princess, may you sit." we look at him and sit down.
    "I have heard Mei Yan's father call you a prince.  Can I know more about you?" I ask the prince.
    He looked at me with a shock on his face, "You don't remember me?" he said.
    "I had injured my brain so I cannot remember anything, so I'm sorry," I said.
    "It's fine.  I'm Jin Shuang the first prince of Jin kingdom," he said.
    I think I remember who is this, in my lifetime, "Do all the members of BTS come into the past? This is Sugar." I thought.
    "Miao Xin," he said, which made my thoughts cut off.  "Are you good?" he asks.
    "Yes, I'm fine," I said.
    He looked outside and said something "Jin-", suddenly I looked outside but I didn't hear anything from Jin Shuang anymore after he said Jin. 
    "Miao Xin wanna go outside and play?" Nan asks me.
    "Sure, but lets me put my stuff in the room," I said.
    "Princess please follow me," Zhang Meng said.
    We go with him, and he sets up for Gui Feng and Yuan Chen room near each other.  My room is near Nan Nan room.  I don't know why but at least I can have my room to sleep overnight.

Nan Nan POV
    I grabbed Zhang Meng's hand and took him to my room right after I saw Miao Xin walk into the room.  I want to tell him that don't tell Miao Xin about me and tell everyone in here don't tell either.
    "Prince, I'm sorry for mistreating you.  I apologize.-" I cut him off. 
    "That's what I want.  Don't tell me anything about Miao Xin, keep it a secret.  Also, tell everyone that lives in here when they see me just act normal and don't call me a prince.  If Miao Xin knows, I am not sure what will happen to you." I said with the resolute face on my face.
"Yes, prince.  I will remember it and I will tell everyone about that." he said but his face looks scared now, I turn my face normal again to make him less scary, and said, "Alright, now I will go outside and walk with Miao Xin, prepare food when we come back.".
"Yes, my lord." He said.

Miao Xin POV
"Where is Nan Nan?" I ask Mei Yan.
"I don't know.  But why do you ask about him? You like him or something?" Yuan Chen said and laughed.
"You better watch your mouth, and I treat him as a friend.  He told me to go outside and play with him.  So I tell all of you to go too.  You should be thankful instead of suspecting me." I said with a little mad.
"Fine, find.  My wrong.  My mistakes.  But you two cute couples, you know." She said that and ran before I caught her.
"You better run fast, but anyway I will catch you later and beat you.  So you will be respected by me, Yuan Chen." I ran toward her.
"Miao Xin careful, you will fall," Feng says.
Suddenly I  stubbed my toe on a rock and almost fell to the ground but someone caught me fast.  I look up and see Nan Nan, what kind of feeling is this, I don't know why my heart feels so warm.  "Miao Xin," I woke up from the middle of the thought and said, "I'm sorry,".
"It's fine, but be careful." he grins as he said.
"Let's go," I said but still feel shy.
"Let's go, we waited for it too long because you Nan," Mei Ling said. 
"I apologize for that, " Nan said.
We walked down the street, I never saw so much ancient stuff like this but never mind in this dynasty this is not ancient, it's just normal stuff.  I look at the picture on paper that the men sell and I see a man drawing next to that.
    "Can you draw me a picture like that," I point to the picture that I saw before.
    "Sure," the man said. 
    After an hour, he has done his drawing and I give him money.  When I looked back I saw only Nan Nan standing behind me, and again I said to the man "Draw me a picture with this man,".  "Miao Xin it won't be good, you  -" I cut him off.  "You better listen to me." he nods.

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