Chapter 7

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Suddenly I heard a sound like a knife that stops Jiao from killing me, "If today you kill her your body will become nine parts." one stranger said.
"Who are you?" Jiao said. 
"You don't have to care about who I am, but if you touch her even her hair, you will die." Now they are fighting each other, I try to run but I don't know why my feet cannot move.
"Today I lost you and failed to kill her again.  But I will come back.  Zhu Yu, Miao Xin just remember me, today I cannot kill you then I will plan another to kill you." he said as he left.
"Thanks for saving me.  How can I pay you back now since you saved my life, the man who just saved me." I said.
"It's okay.  That is my duty.  Also, I have a name.  You can call me Nan Nan." he said.
"Can I see your face wearing a mask?" I ask incuriously.
"Sorry but I can't but I go help protect you if that guy comes back.  What's your name?" he asks me.
"My name is Miao Xin," I said.

An hour before
Jiao POV
"Princess will go outside today, my lord.  What should we do with her?" the servant said.
"Kill her," Jiao said.
"But if she knows that we are still inside the Zhu Kingdom she will tell the king." the servant said.
"Bring two or three people to go with you and try to kill her inside the kingdom.  If they run out of the kingdom then I will do it.  Get back here either kill her or not.  But don't let anyone detect what we are doing.  Understand?" he said in a firm voice.
"Yes, my lord.  We understand " they said at the same time.
"Hold on, if Zhang Li is with them, have to be careful not to show too much or he will know.  And don't make him get injured." Jiao said.   "Yes, my lord." now they are leaving and waiting for the princess to come outside the palace door. 
Nan Jun POV
    One month comes that Miao Xin will go outside the palace, should I come there.  She's forgotten everything about me, I need to make her remember me again.  Since she will go outside of the palace on July 6th, I know Jiao is still around the Zhu kingdom. I need to protect her.
    "Jin Chuang brings me a mask and black clothes also with a sword that I always use," I said as Jin Chuang brings for his brother what he needs.
    "Prince brother, why do you need these? Is Miao Xin in danger?" he asks with full nervousness full nervousness because Miao Xin and he became friends just last month.  
    "Kinda, I'm leaving, tell Guifei that I will be back in a few days, don't worry." I ran fast to the horse and rode to the Zhu kingdom before it was too late. 

Miao Xin POV
    "Princess are you okay? Do you have any injuries?" Ling said in a worried voice.
    "Miao Xin you make me feel so appealing and you are so brave.  You don't mind about your life and try to help us." Feng said as her tears came.
    "Right, Miao Xin you save my life too.  I'm so happy to have a sister like you" Chen said as she joined Feng to cry.
    "Alright, everything is gone.  Forget it, everyone is safe.  The one who saves your guy's life is him." I point to Nan Nan.
    "Thanks," everyone said that to him.
    "No Miao Xin you save everyone by using your smart brain if you are not doing it, probably I can't save you and everyone," he said to me as I looked at him.
    "Thanks," I said.
    "Wait, so you guys are the princess of the Zhu kingdom?" Mei Yan asks and now we have nothing to hide anymore. 
    "We don't want to hide both of you just because the rule that forces us not to say who we are.  We apologize for that." I said as Feng and Chen also apologized.
    "It's okay.  If you guys already know about you, I think we don't need to hide all of you.  I'm Zhong Mei Yan, and my younger sister is Zhong Mei Ling, and we have one brother named Zhong Yang Yang.  We are a rich family in the Jin kingdom." Mei Yan said.
    "What about you, the man who wears a black mask and black clothes and a black sword.  Black everywhere." Mei Ling chuckles.
    "I'm just a normal person, someone calls me here to protect her.  I'm Nan Nan." Nan said.
    "Where do we go now?" I ask.
    "Let's go to the kingdom. I will show you guys my house." Mei Ling said with an excited voice, she takes Chen hand immediately and pulls Chen to walk with her.
    "Yes, let's go," I said.
    As I walk, I start thinking back about what Jiao said.  Nan Jun did like me before, I do like him too? Probably the dead princess, not me.  I don't have any feelings yet.  Nan walked beside me and said, "We will be at Jin kingdom in two days." I nod.

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