Chapter 2

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I wake up an hour after that and realize the servant is still there and taking care of me. I start moving up slowly, and I ask Ling "What time is it?".

"My princess, it was almost noon. Let me help you." as I move she helps me.

"It's okay, bring me the water and clothes," I have read and watched many times about the Chinese royal, it's hard with many rules as I try to be like a princess.

"Here it is, let me help you," she said as I tried to avoid her but I failed.

I walked out of the room and Ling told me "We should go visit the king's mother, she worries for you a lot."

"Alright, let go. But hold on, I am the big princess, second, third, or-" she cuts me off as we were walking on the way to the king's mother palace.

"You are the third princess, your name is Zhu Yu Miao Xin, and you are 22 years old. The king, queen, king mother, 2nd princess, 4th princess, 5th princess, and 6th prince love you a lot with full of family love.-" she said as I cut her off and I want to know why Miao Xin princess was unconscious for a long time.

"What happened to me, why have I been unconscious for 3 months?" now she doesn't cut me off and starts telling me with a sad voice on her face.

"It's all the big princess, false and Jiao (mandarin's son of Zhang, Zhang Zhong is the chancellor of Zhu dynasty. Zhang Jiao is the first son of the chancellor.) They call you to the Yan He river, they don't let me go but I was so worried for you so I tried to spy behind and I saw they force you to jump into the river and Jiao pushed you to the river. I came back and told the king immediately, the king goes to the horse and rides near the river. He saw the big princess and Jiao standing there laughing on their faces, but as they saw the king they saw everything they were scared.

King POV

"King father It's not like what you see, we were playing around and came to the river to see and saw that Miao Xin jumped into the river. We are trying to stop her but she is not listening." Ping Zhi said to me with a nervous voice.

"Yes, my lord. We are trying to stop them but-" the king cuts off both of them a voice.

"I was so indulgent that makes you become like this. You will be staying in the cold palace until you die." I said in an angry voice.

"King father, I didn't do anything about why I have to be in the cold palace, why you have always been partial with Miao Xin. What is she good at?" she said with tears come and become a little crazy.

"You being killing your sister and cooperation with Jiao, your husband and you are thinking that I'm dumb and I don't know anything that what you guy have been doing," I said with less angry now.

"Ha, ha, ha, haha..." she laughed like crazy and her husband is now getting scared that he will die.

"My king father, I-" I cut him off.

"Zhang Jiao will not be a prince consort anymore and will be banished 1000 miles from the Zhu kingdom and never come back. If Jiao is still around Zhu kingdom then he will die." the king said as he pointed his hand to Jiao.

"Zhang chancellor now coming as he said to the king, "My lord please don't banish him, I will teach him back as he should be-" I cut off. "He has many times tried to kill Miao Xin from vitamin medicine soup, in the flower gardens, on horse rides, and put poison on Miao Xin princess cups. I forgive it because Miao Xin survives after those things happen. But now even though she is still alive or dead I won't forgive it. As a king I already commanded then I won't constrain what I said.-" the guard came to me and said "We found the princess, she is still breathing." he said as the king said to the doctor.
"Go, go cure her fast, if you cannot cure her you will die." the doctor walks faster to the princess.

Miao Xin POV

She stops talking as we enter the king's mother's palace. And the king's mother palace was drinking tea with another two princesses. She stops drinking and looks at me with a happy voice.

"My respects, my king's mother," I said in a respectful voice.

"Aww, Miao Xin comes here, come sit with me. And let me look at you." she grins.

"Yes..." I said but with a lower voice.

"I heard you forget all of your memories." I nod as I ask her, "Who is this?".

The princess sitting next to the king's mother was so surprised when I asked that question and I didn't know why until she said.

"Really you don't remember me? You forget me?" I nod.

"Sorry, I can't remember," I said. Now everyone looks at me with a shocked face, they think I would probably remember something but I ain't cause I'm not Miao Xin princess.

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