Chapter 12

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We entered the Huang Guifei palace, she was talking with three princes and I realized who that was, Jin Tai, Jin Nan Jun, Nan Ming, and Jin Shuang.  I see the Guifei, she looks so beautiful and high roller.
    "My respects, Huang Guifei.  I'm Miao Xin. " I said knee down but not much, just a little.
"My respects, Huang Guifei," Yuan Chen and Gui Feng said at the same and knee down like me.
"My respects, Huang Guifei, Jin Shuang prince, Nan Ming prince, Jin Nan Jun prince, and Jin Tai prince. " Mei Ling and Mei Yan said.
"Huang Guifei, Huang Guifei," Jin Chuang said while he ran to Huang Guifei.
"Stand up.  Look at you, Jin Chuang.  You are 16 years old now but still, act like a little kid." Huang Guifei scolded Jin Chuang.
"Miao Xin, you are here.  Ah ah, the dumpling is here too," Chuang chuckles.
"If you don't have Huang Guifei here I already beat you up.  Jin Chuang. " Mei Ling said.
"Alright, I guess I need to make you guys become husband and wife so you two can treat each other well." Huang Guifei said.
"No, Huang Guifei.  I just see him as a little brother.  I love someone already.  That- " as Mei Ling about to say the name one voice cuts her off and she didn't mention who she said after that person came.
"My respects, Huang Guifei. " Jin Tai said.
"Jin Tai, you are here.  What happens?" Huang Guifei asked in worry.
"Nothing happens Huang Guifei.  I just want to come to visit. " Jin Tai said.
"Mei Ling?" Jin Tai looks at Mei Ling with a shock on his face.
"Miao Xin, I feel tired.  I go home first. " Mei Ling said.
"Alright, take care of yourself. " I said to her.
"Jin Tai goes with Mei Ling, takes her home. " Huang Guifei said while she drinks hot tea.
"Huang Guifei, can I do sightseeing around Jin palace. " I ask her because I want to see how this Jin palace is.
"Sure, Miao Xin.  Since you will be my daughter in law soon." Huang Guifei said and now I ask her back with a little confusion, "Daughter in law?".
"Nothing, Nan Jun goes with her. " Huang Guifei told Nan Jun.
"Yes, Huang Guifei. " Nan Jun said.
"What about you guys Mei Yan, Yuan Chen, Gui Feng, and Du Lan?" I ask them but they give me an answer that makes me almost beat them, "You know we are single.  Not a couple like you and Mei Ling.  Make a reason then go with your lover. ".
"Watch your mouth.  Mei Ling wouldn't like either. " I said and I feel a little mad after they said that.  How can I like Nan Jun and make a reason to go with him?
"Come on, my princess.  Don't be mad, see you got a pink blush on your face now.  Hehe!" Du Lan.
"Du Lan, you better not embarrassed me. " I said.
"Nan Jun prince, what do you think about Miao Xin. " Hyne asks him makes me embarrassed now.
"She's kind, nice people, and beautiful. " Nan Jun said.
"I didn't mean like that.  I mean in another way." I try to control myself after she says that.
"Which way?" Nan Jun asks and looks at her.
"Enough, Du Lan.  You better run before I catch you. " I ran toward her and Huang Guifei said that made me almost fall.
"Alright, this is royal.  Don't act like a kid.  Du Lan miss, how old are you?"  Huang Guifei asks Hyne.
"I'm 23 years old, " Hyne answers in a nervous voice which I can feel.
"Do you have a parent?" she asks while Hyne looks at me.
"I don't have a parent, Guifei," she said.
"Miao Xin, I think you and Du Lan should be sisters, I never see you happy or play with any other princess in your palace.  Now she would be good for you." Huang Guifei says.
"Huang Guifei, I always seem Du Lan is my friend, she treats me as a friend.  Also, she doesn't like to live in the Royal Palace and she doesn't like the rule in royal." I said to her and she nods.
"Alright enjoy your sightseeing," I stand up as she talks to me.
"Thanks, Huang Guifei. " I replied.
Mei Ling POV
    After we leave Huang Guifei's palace, Jin Tai takes me to his palace and closes the door.  I asked him "Jin Tai, why are you visiting Huang Guifei today, I thought you said you have a meeting with the chancellor?".
    "Yes, I do.  I want to go visit Huang Guifei, I didn't visit her too long and it won't be good.  But I thought you said you're still in the Zhu Kingdom, don't you?" he asks me back.
    "You see princess Miao Xin.  Someone trying to murder her and we go back to the Jin Kingdom in an accident.  She is a nice person I've never met before.-" he cuts me off.
    "I know her, hmm, what should I do with you since you didn't tell me that you come to visit Huang Guifei. " he grins.
    "Nothing, my prince-" his lips touch my lip and that I have not even finished my sentences yet.  He moves his hand around my waist and pushes me closer to him then pulls me a little bit away "Next time, tell me so I don't feel shy and nervous today.  If again, I'm not sure what happens to you. " I'm dying because of his smile and now he hugs me tighter than before.
    "You know I miss you so much, 2 months I didn't see you.  That's why I'm sick," he said with a sad voice.
    "Do you need a doctor?" I ask and I'm worried.
    "Even the doctor can't cure it," he said.
    "What is it?" I ask.
    "Sick of love," he said make me laugh.
    "You think I don't sick of loving you? I do too. " I said and still laughed.
    "You said you were tired.  You want to go home and take a rest?" he asks me.
    "Yes, I don't know why I feel tired.  I just need to take a rest right now." he and I walk out of the palace and take me home. 
    When we come back to my house, my father comes and talks with Tai.  "My respect, my prince,".
    "Take care of her and make some soup for her since she may get chill," Tai told him.  "Yes, my lord.  I will take care of her." Zhong Meng said and waved as thewaved as the servant came came to take me to my room.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2021 ⏰

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