Chapter 9

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"Third miss," I heard Ling say and that makes me scared.
"Ling you make me scared," I said to Ling and Nan paid the money to the man.
"Princess, what are you doing, Mei Yan and Mei Ling are waiting for you at the jewelry store," Ling said.
"Told them I will come, just wait a minute," I said to Ling. 
"Nan, you go?" I ask him.
"You can go, I need to go somewhere.  Jewelry does not match with me," he said it and that makes me laugh. 
I walk to the jewelry store where Mei Yan and Mei Ling are waiting for me.  "Look, Miao Xin, this would match with you, the necklace  so nice." Mei Yan said.
"It's okay, I don't like to wear a necklace much, but it looks more, choose it," I said.
"I want to buy this one," Mei Yan said to the man.
"Yes, miss." the man said.
"I want to go to fabric to buy some silk fabric.  Heard that Jin kingdom has silk fabric is most beautiful." I said.
"How do you know?" Yuan Chen questions me.  I forget that these people don't know, I know that from the Zhu Dynasty book, how can I explain now.
"That everyone knows.  Don't tell me you don't know Yuan Chen." Mei Ling chuckles after she says that.
"Lucia, you are here.  I don't know what the heck I am in now." I heard that the show is so similar.  "Oh, Hyne, is she spaceflight too?" a lot of guards come to catch her.
"Who is it? What is she talking about?" Gui Feng said.
" Lucia, you're here.  Thank god I'm not the only one." I look at her but she doesn't know that she is in space, only that I know her.
"Sorry, but you're wrong-" the guard cut her off.  "Catch her, the crazy girl.  Du Lan, you better not come to those people.".
"Come inside.  I will help you." I said as Feng and Chen stared at me.
"Okay," Hyne said.
"Stop," I said.
"Who are you to get out of my way or you will be in jail." the guard said as he pushed me away.
"Do you know who this is and being disrespectful like this." Mei Ling said as the guard looked back and now his turn was nervous.
"Mei Ling miss, I'm sorry.  I'm just trying to catch the crazy girl Du Lan.  She keeps saying something so crazy.-" Mei Ling cuts him off.
"I ask you, do you know who they are and being disrespected like that?" Mei Ling repeated what she said. 
"No miss." the guard said.
"One is the second princess of the Zhu kingdom, one is the third princess, and one is the fourth princess.  And you being disrespectful, I think you don't need your life anymore." Mei Yan said.
"I'm so sorry princess, I have eyes but don't see who you are, that is my fault." the guard said.
"That's fine, you don't know me so you don't have a fault.  Leave her to me, she is my friend." I said to the guard.
"Thanks, princess.  Let's go," the guard said to the other 3 guards and left. 
"Miao Xin you are so nice and kind.  How can you forgive that? If me, he already gets beat." Mei Ling said.
"Forgive people is a nice thing," I said.
"She is always nice, forget it.  But I have a question: how do you know her?" Yuan Chen said.
Now I don't know how to explain but then I remember one thing and I said to them, "Remember before when Jiao tries to kill me, she is the one who helps me stand up again when I fall to the ground, and show me the short ways to cut those assassins.".
"She is right.  But why did those guards say she's crazy?" Gui Feng said.
"You don't know but that man thinks that they have the power of guard so they can do or say whatever they want.  That's why I help her.  Look how they behave when he sees me it already shows it." I know I'm lying to them but I try to make it more realistic.
"You are right.  How can you know a lot of things like that?" Mei Yan said.
"I saw before and also banished some guards like that." I lie but everyone believes.
"Let's go back to Zhang's house.  I will ask her some questions while you guys in the living room and wait for me.".
I take Hyne's hand and walk with her fast to my room at Zhang house after we are at Zhang House.  "Hyne, this is not our lifetime, you have to believe me.  I know how I get in here but don't know how to get back.  But this is 590 BC, Zhu dynasty.  I'm the 3rd princess of the Zhu kingdom." I said to her as I poured down water for her.
"Idiot, why don't tell me before.  You are a princess, maybe dream but never mind they call you princess, I heard about it." she said.
"One more thing, don't say any word that in our lifetime like okay, lol, nah, yeah, yah, or other.  Like you see today, they will put you in jail if you don't have me.  Only said when only you and me.  I know it's hard but I'll try." I said withhold her hand.
" Yah, you are right.  But look at you, so beautiful.  Wait, what's your name in here?" she said.   "Miao Xin," I said.   "Nice.  What about me?" she asks me.   "Du Lan," I said.  "I don't even know what that name is, but first I guess I need to remember my name." she chuckles.   "Wanna hear something?" I grin.  "Said it," she said.
"BTS is here too and they are all princes.  But they are not our life so don't act stupid or embarrassed me." I said to stand up.
"You do know if you said don't embarrass you, I will." She also stood up.
"You know being disrespectful to royal people is  straightway to die?" I said.
"I know, I will respect everyone but except you." She gives me an attitude.
"When you come back to those people who said you are Du Lan, you are 23 years old and you are just a normal girl who lost her family okay," I told her before we left the room.   
"Okay, girl," she said.

    "Okay, girl," she said

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