Chapter 3

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After visiting the king's mother, Zhu Gui Feng is the second princess and Zhu Yuan Zhen is the fourth princess.  They ask me a bunch of questions which makes me don't know.

"So how are you feeling now? Do you remember a little bit? Do you-," Zhen cuts her off before she asks more and now Zhen turns she keeps asking all about me.  When we go halfway I decide to go to the king's palace,  so I tell them to go with me. 

"Do you guys want to go to the king's father?" they both say yes in an excited voice. 

We entered the palace and saw the king was talking with the chancellor. 

"King father," we said at the same time with full of respect. 

"What brings you guys here today?" he asks after the chancellor leaves.

"King father can we go outside of the palace?" I ask him as he stands up and walks to me.

"Why do you want to? Did you just wake up today? You should take a rest more." he said to me but I ignored him and said "King father I'm fine, you don't have to worry for me.  I just want to go outside to enjoy how the people live outside of the palace. 

"Miao Xin I understand but stay inside the palace.  Past few days I will let you go outside and play," he said.

"When?" I ask.  "Next month you can go," he replied to me as the Yang Guifei came. 

"My respects, Yang Guifei," I said as Gui Feng and Yuan Zhen said too. 

"Stand up," she said but I have a feeling that she doesn't like me.

"King father, as Yang Guifei here I guess we have to leave causes we don't want to interrupt between you and Guifei."

"Alright," he said.
After half a month, the poem day is coming.  The King told everyone to join and even Miao Xin.  Miao Xin, Zhen, and Feng come to the poem party.  I saw a prince standing near the king as I know that Kim Samuel but one thing makes me remember that this is not my lifetime this is the Zhu dynasty so what is his name.  I decide to go there and ask him. 

    "Hi," I said.

"Umm hi, do I know you?" he asks me.

"I am the third princess, I'm Miao Xin.  Can we be friends?" I ask him as he grins.

"Sure, with a beautiful princess like you.   Anyway, I'm Jin Chuang, the eighth prince of Jin kingdom," he said with a playful voice.

"Princess, the queen needs you," Ling said as I nodded.

"I guess you have to leave now.  Alright, now I have a good friend.  Do you know the prince of all the princes is here today, Jin Nan Jun-".

Ling calling me again "Princess you need to hurry up, the queen needs you,".

I said to Ling "I will come,".

"Sorry I need to leave now.  See you next time Jin Chuang." I said as I looked back at him. 

I follow Ling behind and wonder why the queen want to talk to me?

"Queen mom what do you need from me?" I said with a question on my face.

"You need to do the poem for our kingdom." she looks at me.  "Are our poetry people gone?" I ask with an attitude causes I don't feel like doing the poem right now.   "That's your duty, I just said it, go do it now." She didn't answer my question and left me alone.  I get out of the room entering my seat with silk fabric on the handle to hide in front of my seat.  I know what this is for, it's for avoiding the men looking at the woman something like that. 

"Everyone we will be starting with idioms first about the river.  Then poem.  Start with Jin kingdom first" the eunuch said.

"Literally river water does not interfere with well water; Do not interfere with one another." Jin Nan Jun said.

"Literally oily and shiny to the point of reflecting." Jin Chuang said.

"Ruling a large nation is like cooking a small delicacy," I said.

The king, the queen, and everyone now enjoying people do the idiom.  I listen to those idioms but Nan Jun idiom makes me interesting.  Obviously, he will become king of all the kings, maybe bigger than my father's power, that is why he is such a talent like that. 


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