Chapter 6

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Now finally one month's feeling of being in jail in this palace, I don't understand how other princesses can stay in the palace forever without feeling anything.  Maybe because they love to have the power of the royal, which I don't care about. 
    "Ling let's go, I need to get out of here as fast as I can," I said in an excited voice.
    "Princess, don't you forget about the 2nd princess and 4th princess going to?" Ling said as she packed up my stuff.
    "She probably forgot us." Gui Feng said.
    "She is." Yuan Chen said.
    I look back and see my two sisters coming, "Aha, how can I forget my two good sisters. Since everything is prepared now.  Let's go." I said excitedly in an excited voice and walked fast. 
    When we walked to the door, one of the guards stopped me, "Princess, do you have a pass from the king to go?" he asked me as I nodded. 
    "Where is your pass, my princess," he said in a disrespectful voice and now Yuan Chen's princess gets mad, she said.  "First, you were working for a big princess before so we are still being nice to you but now you keep being rude to us.  So I will go tell the king." as she walks fast I hold her hand.
    "What are you doing? Let me tell the king before this kind of guard being disrespectful to us.  We will tell the king to put him in jail for disrespecting the royal princess." she said I know she is very mad.
    "Hold on, we are the princess. Also, we can't do it.  Let me give him the pass and we can go.  Don't be mad or do that you will lose all the self-respect that every princess should have." I said as I gave the guard the pass. 
    "She's right, Yuan Chen," Feng said to her as she looks at me.
    "Alright now let's go then." Yuan Chen said.
    We got out of the palace and as we walked there were two girls playing with each other but one girl was hitting me so hard that it made me fall. 
    "Princess are you okay?-" I cut her off.  "Don't call me princess, call me  3rd miss," I said that because I don't want anyone to know us as a Zhu princess. 
"I'm sorry for hitting you." the lady in the pink dress said.   "I'm sorry too." now the girl who wears a purple dress.
"It's alright.  I'm fine." I said as I stood up.
"You are so nice and kind.  My name is Zhong Mei Yan." The girl wears a pink dress.
"I'm Zhong Mei Ling.  Can we be friends? Since we came to Zhu kingdom we don't have any friends yet, now you guys, it will be fun." the girl wears a purple dress said.
    " I'm Yuan Chen.  And yes, yes we can be friends.  Right my two sisters?" Yuan Chen said as she grabbed Mei Ling's hand. 
" Sure, I'm Miao Xin." I said in an unstable voice but Gui Feng said, "yes, sure.  And I'm Gui Feng. '' Maybe I was overthinking that. 
"Let's go," I said.
    "Go where?" Everyone asks at the same time.
    "Eat," I said and walked to one store.
    "You always think about food and eat but look at you, still like a stick." Zhang Li said as I turned back and realized Zhang chancellor 2nd son but I know he knows royal people cannot tell anyone about who they are, so I'm not worried.
    "First, I am not a stick and I can eat as much as I can, also did you invite me.  No.  So that means you don't use your daddy money for us." I glared at him with an attitude.
    "Daddy money? I also work for the king too, I work hard for what I get." Zhang Li said but he wasn't mad. 
    "Who is he? Why is he talking with Miao Xin?" Mei Yan asks Yuan Chen.
    "That is Zhang chancellor's second son.  He is our friend." Yuan Chen said.
    "Kill her!!!" one man said it so loud and that disturbs me and Zhang Li.
"Wait what happens? Why does he want to kill me?" I ask.  "Run first, I will stop them." he gets back and is ready to fight those guys. 
    I take Yuan Chen's hand and tell everyone "Go, run, we have to leave here before it's too late." Now everyone ran out of the door of Zhu Kingdom.  I don't know where to go, but one guy stopped us.
"You think you can run forever to escape me." the guy said.  "Jiao you were being banished for 1000 miles why are you still around the Zhu Kingdom," I said.
"Yes, I thought I would kill you and you are dead already.  I don't know how you can be still alive.  But anyway, today is your death day be ready." he said.
"What did I do to make you five-seven times to kill me?" I ask as I look straight to him but he doesn't know that I do like that so Feng, Chen, Mei Yan, Mei Ling, and Ling can leave fast. 
"You ask me what you do.  First, you are in danger of my power, second, you do know how much I love you before but you reject it every time I want to care for you. That's why the king forces me to marry Ping Zhi. You think I like her.  No, I don't like that kind of woman.  Third, after I know Ping Zhi also hates you and she wants you to die so I cooperate with her to kill you since you love Nan Jun more than me.  I know it is ridiculous that I said I love you but still kill you.  But my love for you changes. I hate you.  And when I know you and Nan Jun love each other it just creates more hate and jealousy inside me.-" I cut him off.
"Even though I don't love Nan Jun, I still am not gonna love you.  Why?.  Because I don't need that kind of man who thinks like a woman rather than a man." right after I said that he moves his body fast to me with the knife point to me.
"Aaa..." I yelled

" I yelled

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