Darkness on Umbara

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Skysati stood next to Captain Rex as Master Obi-Wan went over the battle plan.

"Masters Krell and Tiin will be supporting my troops in the south while Anakin's battalion comes in from the north and takes out enemy reinforcements. It is imperative that we conquer the capital city as quickly as possible and hold it," Master Obi-Wan explained.

"Our biggest problem is gonna be the local militia." Anakin added "The Umbarans have aligned themselves with the Separatists and are heavily armed. ARC Trooper Fives will be assisting my units on special assignment,"

"Ready to do my part, General Skywalker," Fives said.

"Nice to have you onboard," Rex said.

"Just like old times, Rex,"

"Remember Anakin. Cody and I will be 12 klicks to your south. We're counting on you and Skysati to take out those local fighters or, I'm afraid, the capital will never surrender,"

Anakin sighed in a teasing manner "Do I have to babysit your padawan?"

"You seem to always volunteer,"

"Besides, you'll be glad I'm on your side after I save your skin for the umpteenth time," Skysati smirked.

"All right," Rex ordered his troops "let's go!"


"There's a lot of surface fire," Rex noted as the team flew over the battlefield.

"They ain't got nothin' we can't handle, sir," Fives declared.

Skysati turned as a shot flew by them and hit the aircraft next to them.

"You hanging in there, Sky?" Rex asked.

"Don't have to worry about me, Rex," Skysati claimed.

"General Skywalker, I'm turning the lights out," Hawk explained over the comms "Our night vision sensors are having a tough time in this chop. I hope we don't overshoot the landing site,"

"Just get us as close as you can," Anakin ordered.

"Time to lock and load," Fives cheered.

Troopers got on their AT-RT and headed out onto the battlefield.

"Our turn, Skysati," Anakin claimed.

"You just worry about yourself, Master Skywalker," Skysati said as she ignited her lightsaber and began to deflect shots and moved forwards with the troops. Skysati listened as troops screamed and fell. She closed her eyes and focused on her breathing.

"This map has a ridge at 23 degrees north, northwest," Rex explained to the two Jedi.

"Good." Anakin proclaimed "We can use it as a staging area,"

"Keep movin'." Rex ordered the troops "We've got to claim that ridge. The other battalions are counting on us!"

"Don't stray too far! The enemy could have the whole place rigged with traps,"

"I can't even see the enemy!" A trooper argued.

"That's why they're called the Shadow People, Tup," Skysati reasoned.

An explosion raked the field.

"Everyone take cover!" Rex ordered.

Skysati stopped moving as she sensed something off and watched as a plant-like creature came to life and grabbed some of the troopers. She used the force to stop a trooper from falling into the creature's mouth.

Five's threw a grenade into the creature's mouth, killing it.

"Nice work, Fives," Skysati praised as she walked over to the trooper that she saved "Hardcase right?"

"Yeah. That's what they call me. Thank you, sir,"

"No man left behind," Skysati reasoned "Let's move out, gents. We've got a battle to win,"

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