Escape from Kadavo

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"Have you considered my offer, Cyneous?" The Queen wondered as the duo walked through the exterior of the castle. "If you vow loyalty to me, I will free your friends,"

Skysati bit her lip in thought "It's not an easy decision."

"Hmm. You are a curious one,"

A guard walked up to the duo "My queen, I bring word. Count Dooku is on his way here,"

Skysati felt herself freeze on the spot at the mention of the Sith lord.

The Queen sighed with distaste "Sooner than anticipated. Make preparations for his arrival," She looked over at Skysati "Perhaps you should not attend this meeting." she looked down at Skysati's lightsaber "Can I trust you not to run away?"

Skysati handed over her lightsaber "As you wish, My lady,"

The Queen chuckled as Skysati was surrounded by the Queen's guard.

Skysati turned to follow the guards when they were hit from behind.

The guards turned to see R2 "Get off, ya miserable tin can!"

Skysati used the distraction to use the force to knock the guards unconscious.

R2 whistled as he moved towards Skysati.

"Glad to see you too bud. You find the others?"

R2 whistled and turned on his rocket boosters and flew off.

"I'll follow you then," Skysati smirked as she followed after the Astromech.


Skysati jumped onto Ahsoka's cage and smiled down at the Togruta "Looks like I found the catch of the day,"

"Sky!" Ahsoka smiled.

"Took you long enough," Anakin scoffed teasingly.

"I figured you didn't want to miss out on the nice view," Skysati smirked. She jumped back onto the roof and used the force to release the two from their cages.

"Are you okay?" Anakin asked Skysati.

"I'm fine. But Dooku's here, he's having a meeting with the Queen," Skysati explained.

"I need you two to get our ship," Anakin ordered.

"If we're splitting up, you'll need this," Skysati handed Anakin a comlink.

"Where are you going?" Ahsoka challenged.

"The queen knows where Obi-Wan is," Anakin reasoned. "Just get back to the ship and wait for my signal,"

"If it means I can get out of this garb, I'm all for this plan," Skysati huffed.

Ahsoka shook her head "Come on, R2,"


Skysati walked back into the cockpit of the ship now wearing her usual Jedi attire.

"That was quick," Ahsoka mused with a smirk.

Before Skysati could retort back their commlink beeped. "That's our signal." she took the seat next to Ahsoka "Let's get going,"

Ahsoka and Skysati got the ship up in the air and took off to rescue Master Skywalker.

Skysati jumped from her seat to open up the cargo door only to flinch when she saw Anakin bring the Queen into the ship "You brought her with you?!"

Anakin ignored Skysati's outburst as he gently placed the Queen on the floor "Your highness,"

"No escape...for any of us," The Queen declared as she handed Skysati her lightsaber.

"Where is Obi-Wan?" Skysati questioned.

"Kudavo system. You were right, Cyneous. I am a slave, just as you are,"

Skysati brushed her hand against the back of her neck as the Queen gave her final breath.

"You okay?" Anakin asked.

"Let's just get Obi-Wan and Rex and get away from here," Skysati said bitterly as she moved to rejoin Ahsoka and provide the new coordinates.


Skysati rolled away from the ship as blasters shot at them causing the ship to explode. "So much for our ride home," she huffed.

"What now?" Ahsoka asked Master Skywalker.

"We get through the old-fashioned way," Master Skywalker ignited his lightsaber and began cutting through the door.

R2 beeped as he was shot at.

"Anakin! I'm glad to see you," Obi-Wan's voice said through a com. "But I'm afraid our host feels otherwise,"

"You can't make everyone happy, Master," Master Skywalker proclaimed.

"They're threatening to kill the slaves unless you surrender,"

"It's good to see you're always ready to negotiate. But I've had enough bargaining with slave drivers, and I'm sure your padawan can say the same,"

"Anakin, you must realize this is a fight you cannot win alone,"

"Who said he was alone?" Skysati smirked as Master Plo flew over with the Wolf squadron.

"I hope you told Master Plo not to destroy this facility before we get off of it," Ahsoka reasoned.

"Yeah, all of us and the slaves," Anakin said as he kicked down the cut-down door.

"We're gonna need a bigger ship," Skysati noted before igniting her own lightsaber to deflect the shots from the guards.

"The controls are destroyed, Master Plo." Master Kenobi reported through his comm "There's nothing we can do from here!"

"I cannot move the cruiser in for the rescue operation until those enemy cannons are destroyed," Master Plo argued.

"We'll take care of those cannons," Master Skywalker reasoned. "Just make sure that cruiser gets down here. We are running out of time!"

"I'm going to go help my people," Ahsoka exclaimed. "I'll see if I can buy us some time,"

"I'm going to see if I can find Obi-Wan and Rex. Maybe the controls aren't truly gone," Skysati suggested.

Master Skywalker nodded at the two padawans "Good luck,"

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