Holocron Heist

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"Excuse the interruption," a man said on the hologram "As I was saying, bounty hunter, I have need of your services,"

"I'm listening," Cad Bane told him as he turned from the window

"I need a Jedi holocron,"

"To get a holocron, I'd have to break into the Jedi Temple. It's impossible, not to mention deadly," I couldn't help but lift my head up at the mention.

"Perhaps your reputation has been exaggerated,"

"I want a Rogue class starfighter with elite weapons, cloaking device, the works. Oh, and triple my usual rate," he sat down in his chair. His hand twirling a piece of my hair, I moved my head away only for him to yank me down.

"Your price is of no concern. I will provide you with the means to get inside the temple,"

"You've got a deal,"


"You know if you would just tell me what it is you're doing back there, I could probably be of some assistance," Todo said to Bane

"Look, I am just doing some maintenance. You've been having memory crashes," Cad Bane told the droid

"That is preposterous. I have no memory of any crashes. Oh, my goodness. I have no memory of any crashes,"


"Oh, no. I am doomed. Bane, you have to help me,"

"Calm down. I'm done,"

"Oh. Thank you,"

An electronic buzz sounded "Skysati, get the door," I stared out the window, the buzzing continued "Skysati!" I was jolted from my thoughts as I felt a shock and glared over at Bane "Get the door!" I opened the door

"Who are you?" the person asked

"Who are you?" I countered as the person walked into the room.

"None of your business," they set down their weapon and lifted their mask as they looked onto the screen "Who is that?"

"Bolla Ropal, Jedi, out in the Mid Rim,"

"We going after him?"

"Soon. Right now, we're stealing a holocron," he pressed a button revealing a holographic imagige of a Jedi Holocron.

"Impossible. The only place you can get a holocron is..."

"I know. Inside the main vaults of the Jedi Temple. Fortunately, our Sith Lord client has set us up with some help. For one, the map of the temple you're looking at right now. For another, a security chip that I've placed in my droid,"

"I have been given all the technical data regarding security systems in the Jedi Temple," Todo explained

"Both the vent shafts and the vault itself are equipped with all kinds of traps and security measures. Todo can take them out, but we'll need help from someone inside the Jedi Library. And that's where your talents as a changeling will come in," I couldn't help but look over at the body that sat in one of the chairs as Cad Bane mentioned that part of the plan.

"He looks like a Jedi," The changeling said.

"He was. His name was Ord Enisence. You should be able to walk into the archives and monitor us without a problem. The Changeling walked over Ord Enisence, and with one touch of his skin they transformed.

The changling chuckled as they looked at themselves "Now that I am a Jedi.." their voice deepened "I can do that,"

"Good. You will need these." Cad Bane held out comlinks in his hand "They're ear comlinks so we can keep in communication,"

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