Children of the Force

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"So, what now?" I asked Master Skywalker

"Now, we get the injured to medical bay," he replied.

Before I could clarify my question a trooper called out "General, there's something I think you should see,"

"Hey, Trooper, are you all right?" I heard Ahsoka call out

"Ahsoka," I called out catching up.

"Must've been hit in the head," she told me as the trooper kept walking, and we followed after him. "Wait! You're injured. That might be serious,"

I saw the wound on his arm "He's no clone,"

"Ahsoka!" Anakin called out. Cad Bane kicked her and grabbed my arm.

"Let me go!" he pulled me into a transport and began to launch it. Anakin jumped on and was able to knock of Cad Bane's helmet, before heading into space. I felt his hand grab mine and we tumbled onto the floor.

I was still gathering my barings as I heard him shout "Admiral, lock down the hyperspace rings! Hurry! It's Bane. Lock those rings now," I couldn't help but shake as I watched his ship go into hyperspace "We'll have to inform the Council," he looked down at me "It might be best if you come along,"

I nodded "Whatever I can do to help,"


I stood behind Master Skywalker and Ahsoka as they spoke with the Jedi council "It is most unfortunate Bane was allowed to escape again,"

"With access to the names and locations of the most Force-sensitive children in the Republic," I looked down at the ground out of guilt.

"Inflict devatating damage on the Jedi Order, he could,"

"We've discovered Bane's working with the Separatists,"

I couldn't help but scoff "Not really working with just for..." I noticed all eyes go towards me causing me to shy away "I mean for the right price,"

"There are thousands of children on that list. Which will he go after first?" a Jedi asked

I shook my head "All that I knew from the job was that he was to retrieve the holocron and gain its information. There was no mention of children,"

A little green Jedi nodded "Small chance there is, through the Force, the Council may detect them,"

I spoke up "Masters, if Bane truly is taking children I would like to help search for him. He took me away from my own family, I don't want to see that happen with any others,"

"What is your name?" A Jedi asked

"My name is Skysati Cyneus, sir,"


"Mmm. A jungle world," Yoda hummed "Dome cities I see. Rodia it is,"

"A house in Kay Tap Square." Obi-Wan declared "Yes, I see it too,"

"There's an ocean planet," Mace Windu explained "home to Nautolans, Glee Anselm?"

"Glee Anselm I see not," Yoda said

"I sense..." Anakin sighed "a place I've been to before. Waterfalls. Naboo,"

"Jan-gwa. A village, southern sector. Sense it strongly, I do,"

"The Gungan child was screaming," Anakin said as he opened his eyes

"The future you see, young Skywalker. To Naboo you must go. Cad Bane you will find. With you, take your Padawan,"

"You are certain there is no child on Glee Anselm?" Master Windu asked

"Into the shadow of the dark side taken the child was," Yoda explained "Shrouded is his fate from us,"

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