Friends and Enemies [2]

530 16 1

"Is there anything else you desire, huh?" Pablo asked, reminding the group that he was still among them. "A new ship?"

"Your choice of weapons is lousy, Pablo." Cad Bane proclaimed "Where can I get some quality blasters?"

"I wouldn't be too picky being on the run like you obviously are,"

Skysati took a skittish step back, knowing full well of the results of angering Cad Bane.

Cad Bane pushed Pablo against the wall and placed a toothpick at his throat.

Skysati moved to intervene, but Hardeen grabbed her.

"Let me go," Skysati hissed.

"I'd keep my mouth shut if I were you, Pablo," Bane threatened "We'll get our weapons elsewhere," he let Pablo go and walked out of the store.

Skysati and Hardeen glaring after the blue Duros.

Hardeen handed a blue female Togruta some credits "For your troubles,"

The Togruta merely hit his hand away.

Skysati rolled her eyes and pushed herself out of Hardeen's grip "That's all you Bounty Hunters think about...credits," She walked out of the store and saw Cad Bane watching her "What? Expecting me to make a run for it?" Skysati motioned to everything around her "Not like I've got anywhere to go,"

"That trader's heard worse threats than yours, Bane," Hardeen claimed as he rejoined the group. "Probably calling the Hutts right now, seeing what kind of bounty there is on us,"

"Relax." Cad Bane said "In this slime pool, everybody's an outlaw. Besides, they'll be looking for three of us. So we're splitting up." he looked over at Hardeen "You find a ship. We'll get weapons,"

Hardeen stopped Cad Bane from going any further "Not so fast. If it's all the same to you, I'll get the weapons,"

"It's not the same to me," Cad Bane argued as he slapped Hardeen's hand away. "You crash the ship. You get us a new one,"

Hardeen glanced over towards Skysati "At least let me take the girl,"

"What for?"

"She can help persuade for a cheaper price..."

Skysati glowered at Hardeen.

Cad Bane looked between the two and nodded for Skysati to go with him.

Skysati crossed her arms over her body, it was one thing to be used for her ability, it was another to be used for gender.
She watched as Bane and Eval walked away. Skysati flenched when she felt a hand on her back.

"We need to get moving," Hardeen told her.

"You know he's gonna backstab you right?" Skysati asked looking up at Hardeen "Once you provide him a ship, there'll be no more use for you,"

"I'll just use you as a hostage,"

Skysati stopped walking and turned around to face Hardeen "I'm no one's prize." she nodded towards her lightsaber that hung on his belt "So enjoy that, cause that's all your getting from me,"

Hardeen laughed "You've got spunk kid. How come you don't act this way around Bane?"

Almost immediately it was as if a switch flipped and Skysati was back to her quiet self as she crossed her arms over her body and turned forward once more "I know my boundaries,"


Skysati and Hardeen overlooked a ship as they negotiated with the seller.

"No, no, no. That's our final offer." Skysati proclaimed as Hardeen moved to look over the exterior.

The seller chattered in his native language. He looked at Skysati and gave her a final offer.

Skysati saw Bane and Eval come over and nodded "All right, then. It's a deal,"

Hardeen moved from the ship and back over "Oh, good timing. Soon as you pay for the ship, we can get moving,"

"With pleasure," Eval handed over the required amount of credits.

Hardeen noticed that Bane was carrying light "Hey, where's my weapon?"

"What? A lightsaber not good enough for you?" Cad Bane asked "Besides, you're not coming,"

Hardeen looked over at Skysati who gave him an I told you so look.

"He doesn't want to split his fee for breaking me out of prison," Eval claimed. "And also, he despises you,"

"All I know is, I'm not going anywhere without my reward," Hardeen argued.

"I'm sorry. This is between you two," Eval got on the ship.

Skysati followed the two only to gasp when Hardeen grabbed her from behind and held the lightsaber to her throat.

"What's it gonna be, Bane?" Hardeen threatened.

Skysati glanced over as she heard the female Togruta from the store talking with some of the Hutts guards. "You want your stinking reward?" Skysati elbowed Hardeen in the gut, catching him by surprise, the lightsaber falling from his hand. She punched him in the face and slide kicked Hardeen to the ground, using the force she reached for her lightsaber but a cable wrapped around it and pulled it towards Bane.

"Let's go," Bane told the girl.

Skysati looked towards the Hutt guards as they got closer.


Skysati looked down at Hardeen in shock upon hearing her nickname.

"Skysati, let's go!" Bane ordered a hand over his wrist controls.

Skysati gave one last confused look to Hardeen before following Bane onto the ship.

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