The Box

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Skysati grunted as Cad Bane pushed the unmoving Padawan down the steps of the spacecraft. She gulped when she saw Count Dooku waiting for the trio. "Bane...I think it would be wise if I just..." Skysati was pushed down the steps, grunting as she hit the ground.

"I told you to move it," Cad Bane hissed as he walked past her.

Hardeen held out his hand to help Skysati up "Relax, kid. I won't let him touch you...just don't let him know,"

Skysati pushed Hardeen's hand away "Pardon me for not trusting your word,"

"Count Dooku," Moralo Eval greeted the Sith Lord "I apologize for my delay,"

Count Dooku's gaze glanced over towards Skysati who instinctively shrank back.

A Magna Droid brought out its electro staff and pointed it at Moralo Eval.

"Your careless delay could have ruined my plan, Eval. I see Cad Bane is with you. Who are the other two?"

Moralo Eval turned to face the trio "This is Rako Hardeen. When Bane's escape plan failed, we only succeeded thanks to Hardeen. I thought he might be useful for the tournament. The girl is Cad Bane's pet,"

Cad Bane held up his hand before Skysati could make a remark "Enough small talk." He argued "I want my money,"

"That makes two of us," Hardeen added.

"You shall have it and perhaps much more, both of you if you would like to enter our friendly little contest,"

"I'm in if he's in,"

"You already owe me for one job, Dooku," Cad Bane pointed out. "Anything else will cost you triple,"

"I assure you that if you survive the challenge, the reward will be well worth it." Count Dooku claimed.

The Magna Guards lowered their weapons to let the group pass.

Cad Bane pushing Skysati forward.

Count Dooku eyeing the girl as she walked by.


Skysati felt fidgety being around all the criminals gathered by Dooku.

"So what kind of friendly little contest do you think the Count's got planned?" Hardeen wondered.

"I'd be surprised if we all survive." Cad Bane glanced back at Skysati "Don't get any ideas,"

Skysati shuddered as she thought it through, even if Bane didn't make it through where would that leave her? If Dooku realized who she really was, then she'd only become someone else's pet. Skysati was too enraptured by her own thoughts, she didn't realize when Bane had stopped walking to look at another criminal's hat. "Oh boy..."

Hardeen made a move to stop Bane, but Skysati stopped him.

"What Bane wants, he gets,"

"I thought you were a fighter..." Hardeen laughed.

"Know when to pick your battles, Hardeen. And with all these criminals and a Sith Lord, I'm glad to be considered Bane's property at the moment,"

"Nice hat." Bane told the criminal "Where did you get it?"

The criminal moved to grab his blaster, but Bane was the quicker draw and fired.

Bane switched hats with the now dead criminal and looked at all the others "What are you looking at? It's a hat,"

Skysati turned when Count Dooku and Moralo Eval returned.

"Welcome to Serenno." Count Dooku greeted the group. "You have been invited here because you are the best bounty hunters in the galaxy. Kiera Swan, two-time winner of the Obsidian Sphere. Derrown, known simply as 'The Exterminator'. Sixtat, the outlands butcher. Embo, your bounty tallies were second only to one last season. Cad Bane, who needs no introduction. Rako Hardeen, the marksman of Concord Dawn. Jakoli, known for never bringing anyone back alive. Onca, you and your brother have been a legendary team. This challenge may prove difficult for you alone. Twazzin, your acrobatics once earned you praise from Chancellor Valorum. Sinrich, inventor of the holographic disguise matrix. And finally, Mantu, your people were once a peaceful race. How far they have fallen. In a few moments, all 11 of you will enter what we call 'The Box'."

Skysati turned toward the cube structure that was behind them.

"Some of you will not make it out alive. For those who do, we are looking for the five most skilled among you. Any additional survivors will be eliminated to preserve the integrity of the job that awaits you,"

A Magna Droid carried a platform over to the bounty hunters. "Place your weapons here,"

Skysati watched with distaste as Hardeen placed her lightsaber among the pile of weapons.

"For those who choose, you will, of course, be paid most handsomely. But more than that you will be a part of an operation remembered as a turning point in the Clone Wars. And when we succeed, we will bring the Republic to its pitiful knees,"

"Listen up." Moralo Eval said "The box was designed by me, Moralo Eval,"

Skysati rolled her eyes in annoyance "Does he have to keep saying his name?!" she muttered under her breath.

Hardeen heard the comment and smirked under his helmet.

"To simulate certain situations that might happen on the job. Go now. Enter The Box...if you have the courage,"

"See you on the other side, Bane," Skysati said only to yelp when the Bounty Hunter grabbed her arm.

"You're gonna ensure that I make it out," Bane said in her ear before pushing her forward.

Skysati glanced up at The Box as it loomed overhead "I've got a bad feeling about this,"

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