Slaves of the Republic

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"It looks like Zygeria is a famous place these days," Anakin noted as he flew the ship closer to the planet.

"Hmm. Whatever is happening is attracting plenty of high-class scum," Obi-Wan said.

Skysati tugged on the wardrobe she had to wear. "As long as it's not him, I can manage," she noted Rex glance over and twirled her finger "Eyes forward soldier,"

Anakin landed the ship and they began to head for the landing door "Let's just hope the information our spies gave us about the Queen is accurate. Remember, I'll keep her occupied while you locate the missing people of Kiros,"

"How do you plan on keeping the Queen occupied?" Obi-Wan wondered.

"Why ask. It only makes his ego grow?" Skysati grumbled.

"Oh, yes, of course,"

"Hold on to this, will you, buddy?" Anakin handed his lightsaber to R2.

Skysati took a deep breath as she looked down at her lightsaber, last time she had lost it was when Cad Bane had caught up to her once again. She jumped when a hand landed on her shoulder.

"You can do this, Sky." Rex reasoned "Me and Master Kenobi will be with you the whole time. No one's gonna touch you,"

"Don't make promises you can't keep," Skysati said as she tossed her lightsaber to R2 as well.

"Remind me why Sky and I are the ones playing the part of the slaves," Ahsoka said as she walked next to Skysati.

"Take it from someone who's been there." Skysati said as she fixed her face covering "You really don't wanna know,"


Skysati had to keep herself in check, knowing that using the force would only draw unwanted attention towards them.

"Ugh, how can a civilization this advanced still practice slavery?" Ahsoka wondered.

"It makes them wealthy and powerful at the expense of others," Anakin replied. "Before the Hutts bought my mother, she was sold in a market just like this,"

The group stopped when a Twilek fell to the ground, a Zygerrian guard walking up to him.

"Get up, you useless skug!" The Guard ordered.

"Master, the bonds, they are too heavy," The Twilek pleaded.

"Tell it to my whip!"

Skysati flinched as the whip was raised only for the guard's arm to be caught by Ahsoka.

"You don't want to do that," Ahsoka said.

"Ah, you dare touch me!" The Guard exclaimed.

"Excuse my slave, friend," Anakin said as he stepped forward. "She is freshly caught,"

"Mmm, what have we here? You wear Zygerrian armor, but you are not one of us. Who are you?"

"I've come for an audience with the Queen,"

"Then you have an invitation? We can't just let anyone in to speak with Her Majesty,"

"No invitation, but I do bring news. News the Queen will be eager to hear,"

"I doubt that. You're nothing more than a brigand,"

Skysati knew that Anakin was losing the battle and stepped forth "I wouldn't say that," she said as she stepped closer to the guard "especially when the Queen learns you prevented her from hearing the news about Bruno Denturri," Skysati didn't even flinch when more guards surrounded them.

A robot flew in front of the guard "Halt! Cease all hostilities! This man is to be escorted to the palace by order of the Queen,"

"Bruno Denturri?" Anakin asked quietly.

"He's a slaver and not on the Queen's good side," Skysati explained.

Anakin raised an eyebrow.

"When you're a slave to the unground, you hear things," Skysati shrugged. She glanced back to see Rex and Obi-Wan following close behind.


"Make certain all preparations are complete for this evening," The Queen told her servant, her eyes landing on Anakin "And fetch refreshments,"

Skysati bowed out of instinct in front of the queen.

"My Queen," The guard greeted "I present Lars Quell,"

"Hmm. So you're the man who claims to be acquainted with Bruno Denturri?"

"Yes, your highness," Anakin replied.

Skysati wanted to facepalm but kept her gaze down. She hated how easily her "lessons" were still engrained in her.

Anakin took off his helmet "However when I spoke with him, he failed to describe your beauty,"

The Queen chuckled as she pets her bird "Really? And did Bruno speak of my intense hatred of him?"

Skysati gave Anakin an 'I told you so' glare.

"Or did that escape his memory as well?"

The guard aimed his gun at Anakin.

"He needed not to speak of it, Your Majesty," Anakin smirked as he pushed the gun aside. "In fact, Bruno Denturri will not be speaking ever again,"

"What do you mean?" The Queen questioned.

"Bruno Denturri's dead by my hand. Here is a slave from his palace,"

Skysati went wide-eyed when Anakin grabbed her instead of Ahsoka.

"Compensation for my efforts," Anakin realized his mistake too late when uncovered Skysati's slave attire.

The Queen stood from her throne "You impress me, Lars Quell. She's quite a prize,"

Skysati gulped down the bile that rose in her throat as she knelt to the ground in submission.

"And to have defeated Bruno Denturri in combat?"

Skysati kept her gaze to the ground as she had been trained until the Queen brushed her fingers against her chin allowing her to rise.

"Well, you must be quite the warrior." The Queen moved around Skysati as she observed her physique. "Hmm. Mm-hmm. The slave is certainly of fine stock. Bruno always knew how to choose a beautiful female,"

Skysati flinched as the Queen brushed her hands against her bare arm.

"Don't you dare touch her," Ahsoka exclaimed.

The Queen chuckled "I see you like the slaves with fire." She looked back at Skysati who kept her gaze to the ground, "What is your price for this one?"

"With respect, how can I price the beauty of this slave when I look upon the magnificence of your highness, whose beauty would make the brightest star seem dull by comparison?"

The Queen laughed "Lars Quell, you flatter me,"

"No, Your Majesty. However..." Anakin whispered something in the Queen's ear.

The Queen chuckled flirtatiously "Lars stop it! Stop it! You are a bold one, aren't you?"

"My reputation precedes me, then,"

"Perhaps we can find a way to put a price on your slave. Come, walk with me,"

Skysati and Ahsoka walked obediently behind the duo.

Ahsoka gave Skysati's hand a reassuring squeeze, but Skysati knew the only way to get through this was to be numb that she never felt the assurance.

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